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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO. There is no telling what is going to happen in the USA nad around the world with thoughts like this.
I am shocked that Black people have so much hate in their minds and souls. This is pathetic and scarry as well. It is black people like this that are causing the problems we face in the world today.
God Bless America and God Bless the world.

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Obama's Finals Week: The World Laughs at His 100 Days of Failure


We're coming up on this mythical 100 days of the Obama administration. I'd like to refer to it, my friends, as "finals week," and I put together a list of things that I have noted since the outset of this administration. Just today, I think you'd have to say Obama's failing, because Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has just ripped him a new one; and his buddy, Fidel Castro, just called him superficial. I mean, now, this cannot be good. The next thing you know Hugo Chavez will come out with some criticism here. After all of these worldwide tours to get all of these dictators and thugs on our side, they are being highly critical of the Bamster.

Also, ladies and gentlemen, the interrogation memos. It is amazing what is coming out about this. We're going to get into that in detail as the program unfolds before your very eyes and ears, but I have to tell you something. I've heard more than one person say -- because Obama changed his mind on this. Originally he said, "We can't keep looking to the past. We've gotta look to the future here. So I don't think it would serve any purpose to prosecute or investigate former administration officials on these interrogations the CIA did." All of a sudden he changes his mind yesterday. I'm hearing a lot of people say, "He must be buckling to pressure from his left wing. He must be buckling to pressure from people reminding him of a campaign promise." He's not buckling to anything but his own desires! Folks, this is part and parcel of, "Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He doesn't know all this that's happening in his administration. He's such a wonderful guy! He doesn't know about all of this." Well, he's orchestrating all of this. As he himself said: he's the visionary. He's setting the tone. The Canadians... Did you hear Janet Napolitano the other day? Janet Napolitano -- this is a rumor that has been debunked years ago. Janet Napolitano said the 9/11 hijackers actually got into our country through Canada.

So now the Canadians are up in arms and the National Post in Canada today has a piece asking how in the hell did this woman get her job? Earlier this week she says it's not a crime to illegally enter the country, cross the border, when it is. She's a ditz. She's a total hick, hack, left-wing kook that is now in charge of Homeland Security -- and she's there because who chose her? Obama! I mean, you Obama people cannot have it both ways. You cannot say this guy is something brand-new and fresh like we've never had before, and he's so smart, and he's so in control, he's so in touch. And then say he has no clue what's going on in his own administration, or that he's being pressured and he's buckling to pressure. What was funny about the interrogation memo flip-flop was when he talked about allowing Holder... If this happens -- we keep talking about overreaching. If this happens, if Eric Holder -- and he could very well do this -- does instigate investigations or let Conyers do it over in the House or somebody start investigating former Bush administration officials, if they subpoena them, and if these guys have to go out and get lawyers, let me tell you something. If this happens, they don't care whether they get a conviction or not. It won't be about that.

It'll be about destroying these people a la Scooter Libby. It will be about destroying and criminalizing policy circumstances with which you disagree. Here you've got these lawyers, who the administration consulted, and they consulted, by the way, the Bush administration did, all over the world, with various nations on interrogation techniques of terrorists, because it's a new kind of prisoner, and Congress signed off on all of it. Nancy Pelosi, they all signed off on all of this in 2002. And in fact, when they were explained waterboarding and all this, nobody in Congress objected, they said you've gotta do more. So if Holder proceeds with this, he's going to have to send out subpoenas not just to the executive branch, he's going to have to send out subpoenas to the lawyers, the White House counsel and anybody else who had anything to do with this. And once that happens, you're gonna see the earth move because nobody's going to go work for the executive branch ever again.

If this precedent is set where you can go back and criminalize the policy disagreements you have with previous administrations that could be the point everybody's hoping that is going to happen, overreach. I, frankly, think we've had a hundred overreaches. I'm going to go through them here in just a second. But nevertheless, that could be something that will awaken a lot of people who still appear to be dormant. So it's stunning to watch this and it's kind of funny yesterday because after Obama flip-flopped there in the Oval Office, he had this photo-op with the king of Jordan, King Abdullah, and that's where, in answer to a reporter's question, he said, (paraphrasing) "You know what, I'm gonna let Holder go ahead and do what he wants to do. If he wants to investigate these people in the Bush administration, fine and dandy." Well, at the afternoon press briefing yesterday, poor old Gibbs, who on a good day is incompetent, poor old Gibbs was -- it's like the White House press office was just blindsided by this. They sent poor old Gibbs out there, and he didn't really have any intelligent, credible answers to why the flip-flop and so forth 'cause of course he's gotta protect Obama.

The director of communications in the White House, not a spokeswoman, but the director of communications, she quit. She resigned the White House. They've reassigned her to some other agency. She went over to Commerce committee, whatever, Commerce department. She was the only one that was not part of the campaign. She's the only one that hadn't drunk the Kool-Aid. And then you've got the suicide today of the CFO over at Freddie Mac. The homicide detectives are on the scene now, the wife phoned in at 4:48 this morning, the cops arrive, said looked like no foul play, looked like it was a suicide, but they've got to investigate. Ellen Moran was the White House communications director, outta there, quit. Now, we don't want to assume what's going on here, but she was the only one that hadn't drunk the Kool-Aid. I chronicle all this stuff and I'm in 100% disbelief.

I'm going to go through the finals week for Obama here, I don't know when the first 100 days is. It's 90, a hundred days after January 20th. But, regardless, this is an incredible list of things that I've been thinking about, and I've been taking notes, and I've been putting them all down. And when I go through all this, at the end of it, all of this is being spun as productive and historic, and it's nothing but buffoonery. It's embarrassing incompetence and inexperience

Finals week, Barack Obama approaching a hundred days. Now, they say this has been a historically productive 100 days. I have just put a list here together in no particular order, just off the top of my head, of the things in this administration that have stood out to me since it began. Admiral Blair -- this is all over the New York Times today -- Admiral Blair admitting the CIA received high value, lifesaving information from terrorists, while President Obama is condemning the same interrogations as immoral and counterproductive. President Obama is throwing and has thrown grand White House parties with Kobe beef, a hundred bucks a pound, while telling the nation to cut back in order to survive the greatest economic downturn supposedly since the Great Depression, bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia, listening patiently and respectfully while a two-bit dictator lectures Obama -- it was Daniel Ortega -- with false charges for 50 minutes about the criminal country he leads, and Obama doesn't say one word to object, one word in disagreement, does not stand up for his country at one point during the Summit of the Americas.

He has run around the world and apologized for the greatest, the most compassionate, the most innovative and freedom-loving country in world history. Now we've got Fidel Castro setting Obama straight about how Cuba handles political prisoners and its economy. Fidel Castro, one of Obama's idols, calling him superficial. We had the nomination of tax cheats to his cabinet, including the man who oversees the IRS, five tax cheats in the Obama administration. We have Obama's joke of a press spokesman, who makes a complete idiot of himself on a daily basis. He sends back a symbol of freedom, that bust of Sir Winston Churchill to Great Britain just after moving into the White House. He wants nothing to do with it. He did of his own volition. They said you can keep it. He said no, we don't want it here. They said put it in a different room in the White House. We don't want it here, and sent it back to the British embassy. It was given to us, President Bush, after 9/11, by the Brits. He insulted the prime minister of England, the queen of England, with embarrassing, thoughtless gifts.

We have the French president Sarkozy ridiculing Obama's messianic complex, inviting him to walk on water at Normandy beach. We have Iran taking a hostage, an American journalist, as Obama promises better relations. We have North Korea humiliating Obama with their missile launch. We have Obama putting the country in debt for generations to come while promising fiscal responsibility, offering up laughable budget cuts, banning lobbyists from his administration, while appointing them left and right. Openly lying that Caterpillar would hire up with the passage of his stimulus bill, then watching while that company lays off thousands after the stimulus bill passes. He pledges to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay where I have a thriving merchandise business. But then he keeps it open with no plan for its future. Proclaiming total transparency, while keeping secret who got the TARP funds, when, where, why. Being incapable of communicating without a teleprompter, while the press declares him a Reaganesque, Great Communicator.

He attacks a private citizen broadcaster from the White House as part of an orchestrated plan to distract the country from legislation and policies we don't want, which thus touched off a political firestorm, all of this while claiming to be a unifier. He makes a ham-handed attempt to nationalize the banks preventing financial institutions from paying back TARP money they don't need or want. We got a column today in the Wall Street Journal by Holman Jenkins that General Motors is a debacle; it is an absolute debacle and mess, and soon Wall Street is going to be the same thing. He has made bad situations worse with car manufacturers, and the worst is yet to come. He has sparked hundreds of protests involving hundreds of thousands of Americans at tea parties regarding irresponsible government spending while his Homeland Security chief labels peacefully demonstrating Americans and veterans as security risks. Now, that's just the things I could think up the top of my head. Oh, yeah, moving the census over to the Commerce department to politicize that. I mean, this administration has been one part joke, one part unbelievable, and many parts scary. Because while all this has gone on, this man is reported upon and reported to be the best president we've ever had, a shining light, a beacon, historical figure.

We have a sycophantic mainstream media in this country. How about the New York Times. The New York Times, $34 million in cash. The New York Times is in debt $1.3 billion. By the way, this is cool, folks. The New York Times' corporate president and CEO, Janet Robinson, received a compensation package valued at $5.58 million last year while the publisher of the New York Times, Arthur Sulzberger Jr. received a total of $2.4 million while this company is losing its shirt. Does that not sound a little bit like Wall Street? Does this not sound like excessive bonuses? Does this sound like CEOs paying them when the performance of their company is in the sewer? And haven't we demonized private sector CEOs for this very thing? Oh, and that is another one: making enemies out of people in the private sector and ginning up protests by his ACORN buddies at the homes of AIG executives, fomenting class hatred and rivalry.

The list goes on of the egregious things this administration's done. His House organ, the New York Times, $1.3 billion in debt, $34 million in cash on hand. They borrowed some money from some guy named Slim down in Mexico, and he's charged them 18% interest. And now Hillary Clinton's out there saying US is laying groundwork for tough, crippling sanctions on Iran if Iran rejects engagement. Iran says, "We'll talk, but we're not doing anything about our nuclear program." I mean the world is making a joke, the world is making a joke of our country, and the president is being praised for it!

Here are details on the reprimands. You might say the teachers are trying to educate the student, Fidel Castro commenting on Barack Obama. Castro rejects President Obama's suggestions that Cuba should free political prisoners or cut taxes on remittances from the United States. Fidel Castro on a blog, no less, said that Obama "misinterpreted remarks by his brother and successor Raul and bristled at the suggestion that Cuba should free political prisoners or cut taxes on remittances from abroad as a goodwill gesture to the United States." All of this enraged Castro, who wrote in an essay posted on a government website that Obama, without a doubt, misinterpreted Raul's declarations. "Castro appeared to be throwing a dose of cold water on growing expectations for improved bilateral relations -- suggesting Obama had no right to dare suggest that Cuba make even small concessions. He also seemed to suggest too much was being made of Raul's comments about discussing 'everything' with US authorities."

Castro: "Affirming that the president of Cuba is ready to discuss any topic with the president of the United States expresses that he's not afraid ... It's a sign of bravery and confidence in the principles of the revolution." Now, there's a hidden little secret here that everybody with a half a brain knows about the Castros. The last thing they want is an open relationship with the United States. The last thing they want is the blockade to come down. That's what Fidel's always called the embargo. He tells Cuban citizens that there are Navy ships out there preventing goods, he calls it a blockade. So here comes our naive young boy president down there, (paraphrasing) "We're going to open up, we're going to have this new dialogue, we're going to send you some money, we're going to send some more people down there, you ought to free some political prisoners," and Castro bristles at the naivete of his student, Barack Obama. It's the last thing they want. You understand that the US embargo is what gives the Castro brothers and the Cuban government the ammo to tell their citizens what a rotten economy they have and what a rotten life they all have, even though it's the best damn health care in the freaking world, according to the stupid idiots in the American left.

The last thing they want is the embargo lifted. "The ex-president had previously expressed his admiration for Obama, but this time Castro blasted the new US president for showing signs of 'superficiality.'" Whoa-ho! Well, I mean, here's Castro the teacher, Castro the professor, he can see the weaknesses in the student far more than American leftists can see the weakness, superficiality. I mean Castro's got it. And let's go to another teacher, another professor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today criticized Obama's boycott of a United Nations racism conference, dubbing it unhelpful. "On Monday, The International Racism Conference in Geneva, which the US boycotted --" now, by the way, I think we did the right thing not to go to this thing, don't misunderstand, we did the right thing, but Ahmadinejad is somebody that Obama wants to talk to and Hillary Clinton says today we're going to put really tough sanctions on them. Hardy-har-har.

So Ahmadinejad's all upset we didn't go to the racism conference, lecturing his student, Barack Obama. Obama, the US, right not to go to this thing. The whole thing was a fiasco, but Ahmadinejad is considered one of our grave threats and enemies with his nuke program, and Obama says that he's going to forge a new relationship out there with them, and all we have to do is talk to them, and all we have to do is show 'em we mean 'em no harm. Such naivete, the ugliness, the hypocrisy of President Obama's morality plays. This guy is very cold, folks. He is a 100% pure leftist extremist political animal. I have a difficult time putting up with him lecturing us, the United States of America, on matters he identifies as requiring the pushing of a morality reset button with him as the chief protocol director of morality.

According to Obama, our response, after being attacked on 9/11, was immoral. Of all the people, of all things, Barack Obama should be the last person to lecture anybody standing atop a rock of morality. His foundation is leftist. He identifies with anti-American politics. He laughs, he yucks it up with these people who hate our country. He's been masterful at deceiving a large number of Americans with the help of his friends in the Drive-By Media. Look at who Obama has accused of being morally deficient: Wall Street, all CEOs, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the CIA, and essentially America itself. He has declared those five things morally deficient. And only now will Wall Street and CEOs, Bush and Cheney, CIA, and even America be straightened out with a new moral rudder headed by himself, The One, The Messiah, Barack Obama, the Most Merciful. Yet he supports infanticide. He attended a racist, bigoted church for 20 years. He had active support of the criminal political bullying enterprise known as ACORN. He has dealings with Tony Rezko, his working relationship with Bill Ayers, embracing and smiling Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, and not defending his country after it was slandered, this guy tells us he's in charge of our new morality. Sorry, folks, it's just tough to stomach. Tough to deal with on a daily basis.

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100 Days of the Poser Presidency

My syndicated column commemorates Barack Obama’s 100 days with the Scare Force One story as a take-off point. Imagine if this fiasco had happened under George Bush’s watch. It would have made the Left’s incessant carping over the “fake plastic turkey,” Mission Accomplished banner, and My Pet Goat incidents look like nothing.

We now know thanks to WCBS in NY that the feds knew the “mission” would cause panic and that they went ahead with the secret plans, anyway. There are still a lot more unanswered questions about what happened in the skies above New York City. I have filed two FOIA requests with the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff FOIA Requester Service Center seeking more info, including the flight manifests; communications that would shed light on the origin of the “mission,” and copies of any and all photos taken on the taxpayer-subsidized journey. Let’s have some of that vaunted transparency Barack Obama is always talking about.


100 days of reckless photo-op hubris

Come on, who’s surprised? The White House-engineered photo-op of low-flying Air Force aircraft that caused terror in New York City this week epitomizes the Age of Obama. What better way to mark 100 days in office than with an appalling exercise in pointless, taxpayer-funded stagecraft.

The superficiality, the unseriousness, the hubris, the obliviousness to post-9/11 realities: They were trademarks of the Obama campaign and they are the tattoos on his governance.

He never leaves home without his teleprompter. All the Obama world’s a stage. Or a world ready to be staged.

So, is it any wonder he would staff his White House Military Office with a clueless paper-pusher who saw nothing wrong with spending inordinate government resources – and recreating 9/11 havoc — to update Air Force One publicity shots? And who planned, believe it or not, to do the same in Washington, D.C., next month, where 53 passengers and 6 crew members on board American Airlines Flight 77, and 125 military and civilian personnel inside the Pentagon were murdered by the 9/11 jihadists?

All for some damned publicity shots.

No one should be shocked. Remember: Barack Obama is the frivolous man who concocted his own presidential-looking Great Seal before he was elected. An ego big enough to publicly display a ridiculous “Vero Possumus” (“Yes, we can” in Latin) motto and a regal eagle with the Obama campaign logo emblazoned on its chest is an ego capable of far more reckless things. Obama orchestrated a grand photo-op in Berlin, Germany, to declare his world citizenship at the Siegessäule Victory Column – a soaring monument of arrogance championed by Adolph Hitler and Third Reich architect Albert Speer. He manufactured his own Open Temple of The One in Denver for the Democratic National Convention last summer, replete with fake Greek columns.

Since taking office, President Obama has remained in perpetual campaign mode, idling in 9/10 gear. The photo album has filled up quickly with megalomaniacal moments. When his massive, pork-filled stimulus package was in trouble, he ran to Ft. Myers, Florida, for a carefully choreographed revival meeting with his most ardent supporters. “It is such a blessing to see you. Oh! Gracious God, thank you so much!” one young booster exclaimed.

The President’s famous embrace with another questioner — homeless woman Henrietta Hughes, a perpetually unemployed drifter looking for a handout — turned up on the White House online retrospective of the stimulus bill victory. (Missing: The photos of hundreds of thousands of Americans who took to the streets in Tea Party protests to oppose this massive act of generational theft and expansion of the entitlement state.)

Another Kodak moment from the stimulus campaign exposed Obama’s hype of the spending boondoggle’s effects. Using a Caterpillar plant and workers as a backdrop, Obama grandly promised that if the stimulus passed, Caterpillar would rehire laid-off workers. It made front-page headlines. After the photo-op: Caterpillar’s own CEO refuted the bogus promise and last week posted its first quarterly net loss in 16 years. After the signing, it finally dawned on pliant media outlets that the stimulus money was stupendously wasteful and the job creation estimates bogus. No pictures of those epiphanies.

President Obama’s photo-ops abroad have been more unsettling: Bowing and scraping before Saudi King Abdullah, trashing America as “arrogant” (talk about a pot and kettle moment) in front of adoring French and German students, chumming it up with Venezuelan thug-in-chief Hugo Chavez. These are the defining images of a stunt(ed) presidency blind to our enemies and in a perpetual state of (re)pose we can’t afford.

Obama appointed Leon Panetta, a chief of intelligence with no intelligence experience. He gave us Hillary Clinton, a secretary of state who cackled about the Somali pirate hijacking and laughed off serious questions about the effectiveness of enhanced interrogation techniques. He installed Rosa Brooks, a radical George Soros-trained ideologue as a top Pentagon adviser. He came close to embracing Charles Freeman as top U.S. intelligence analyst — a jihadi-sympathizing conspiracist who blamed America for 9/11.

And he appointed Janet Napolitano, the homeland security secretary who can’t get her fact straights about the 9/11 terrorists, pooh-poohed our immigration laws, disseminated a hit job on conservatives and veterans as rightwing extremist threats, and redefined acts of terrorism as “man-caused disasters.”

“Man-caused disaster.” That’s a perfect description of the Scare Force One torture photo op that took place this week, and an apt summary of the last 100 days. Say cheese.

My syndicated column commemorates Barack Obama’s 100 days with the Scare Force One story as a take-off point. Imagine if this fiasco had happened under George Bush’s watch. It would have made the Left’s incessant carping over the “fake plastic turkey,” Mission Accomplished banner, and My Pet Goat incidents look like nothing.

We now know thanks to WCBS in NY that the feds knew the “mission” would cause panic and that they went ahead with the secret plans, anyway. There are still a lot more unanswered questions about what happened in the skies above New York City. I have filed two FOIA requests with the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Staff FOIA Requester Service Center seeking more info, including the flight manifests; communications that would shed light on the origin of the “mission,” and copies of any and all photos taken on the taxpayer-subsidized journey. Let’s have some of that vaunted transparency Barack Obama is always talking about.


100 days of reckless photo-op hubris

Come on, who’s surprised? The White House-engineered photo-op of low-flying Air Force aircraft that caused terror in New York City this week epitomizes the Age of Obama. What better way to mark 100 days in office than with an appalling exercise in pointless, taxpayer-funded stagecraft.

The superficiality, the unseriousness, the hubris, the obliviousness to post-9/11 realities: They were trademarks of the Obama campaign and they are the tattoos on his governance.

He never leaves home without his teleprompter. All the Obama world’s a stage. Or a world ready to be staged.

So, is it any wonder he would staff his White House Military Office with a clueless paper-pusher who saw nothing wrong with spending inordinate government resources – and recreating 9/11 havoc — to update Air Force One publicity shots? And who planned, believe it or not, to do the same in Washington, D.C., next month, where 53 passengers and 6 crew members on board American Airlines Flight 77, and 125 military and civilian personnel inside the Pentagon were murdered by the 9/11 jihadists?

All for some damned publicity shots.

No one should be shocked. Remember: Barack Obama is the frivolous man who concocted his own presidential-looking Great Seal before he was elected. An ego big enough to publicly display a ridiculous “Vero Possumus” (“Yes, we can” in Latin) motto and a regal eagle with the Obama campaign logo emblazoned on its chest is an ego capable of far more reckless things. Obama orchestrated a grand photo-op in Berlin, Germany, to declare his world citizenship at the Siegessäule Victory Column – a soaring monument of arrogance championed by Adolph Hitler and Third Reich architect Albert Speer. He manufactured his own Open Temple of The One in Denver for the Democratic National Convention last summer, replete with fake Greek columns.

Since taking office, President Obama has remained in perpetual campaign mode, idling in 9/10 gear. The photo album has filled up quickly with megalomaniacal moments. When his massive, pork-filled stimulus package was in trouble, he ran to Ft. Myers, Florida, for a carefully choreographed revival meeting with his most ardent supporters. “It is such a blessing to see you. Oh! Gracious God, thank you so much!” one young booster exclaimed.

The President’s famous embrace with another questioner — homeless woman Henrietta Hughes, a perpetually unemployed drifter looking for a handout — turned up on the White House online retrospective of the stimulus bill victory. (Missing: The photos of hundreds of thousands of Americans who took to the streets in Tea Party protests to oppose this massive act of generational theft and expansion of the entitlement state.)

Another Kodak moment from the stimulus campaign exposed Obama’s hype of the spending boondoggle’s effects. Using a Caterpillar plant and workers as a backdrop, Obama grandly promised that if the stimulus passed, Caterpillar would rehire laid-off workers. It made front-page headlines. After the photo-op: Caterpillar’s own CEO refuted the bogus promise and last week posted its first quarterly net loss in 16 years. After the signing, it finally dawned on pliant media outlets that the stimulus money was stupendously wasteful and the job creation estimates bogus. No pictures of those epiphanies.

President Obama’s photo-ops abroad have been more unsettling: Bowing and scraping before Saudi King Abdullah, trashing America as “arrogant” (talk about a pot and kettle moment) in front of adoring French and German students, chumming it up with Venezuelan thug-in-chief Hugo Chavez. These are the defining images of a stunt(ed) presidency blind to our enemies and in a perpetual state of (re)pose we can’t afford.

Obama appointed Leon Panetta, a chief of intelligence with no intelligence experience. He gave us Hillary Clinton, a secretary of state who cackled about the Somali pirate hijacking and laughed off serious questions about the effectiveness of enhanced interrogation techniques. He installed Rosa Brooks, a radical George Soros-trained ideologue as a top Pentagon adviser. He came close to embracing Charles Freeman as top U.S. intelligence analyst — a jihadi-sympathizing conspiracist who blamed America for 9/11.

And he appointed Janet Napolitano, the homeland security secretary who can’t get her fact straights about the 9/11 terrorists, pooh-poohed our immigration laws, disseminated a hit job on conservatives and veterans as rightwing extremist threats, and redefined acts of terrorism as “man-caused disasters.”

“Man-caused disaster.” That’s a perfect description of the Scare Force One torture photo op that took place this week, and an apt summary of the last 100 days. Say cheese.

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Apparently VP Joe Biden has had weekly conversations with Senator Spector since the start of the administration (according to politico). Was this done to bribe him into supporting Obama Policies? Is this payback for supporting those very policies? It would seem so. Why else would the President throw his pledge of support including campaign money and time to Spector. This is politics at its worst; the fix is in as part of his traitorous action today the President has promised to campaign for him.
Republican Party head Michael Steele said: "Some in the Republican Party are happy about this. I am not.
Let's be honest-Senator Specter didn't leave the GOP based on principles of any kind. He left to further his personal political interests because he knew that he was going to lose a Republican primary due to his left-wing voting record.
Republicans look forward to beating Sen. Specter in 2010, assuming the Democrats don't do it first."

I agree Arlene Spector will find out how loyal his new party is when Obama does very little to support him and he loses his primary. After all who wants to support Benedict Arnold 2009.


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At this point, a mere 2 months into the Presidency of Barack Obama, it seems painfully clear that we have not only elected a deceitful knave, but one intent on the complete dismantling of our own defenses, with seemingly very little concern for the consequences.

The icing on this poisonous cake would seem to be that we ourselves will pay for our own destruction.

Boiled down to the dry pot, we must conclude that President Obama, his entire Administration, the Democratic Congress and their favorite benefactor, George Soros, have an evolved form of slavery in mind. It's a type of slavery whereby the productive class is held shackled to the political class's outlandish worldview that there isn't a single problem under the sun, which cannot be swiftly solved with our money, produced by the sweat of our collective brow. They consider our wages and the wages of our children and grandchildren to be their own property, to be squandered in whatever manner they see fit.

And I believe this has a name, even though we modern folks have long forgotten not only its name, but the centuries of toil and buckets of blood that went into dismantling the system than enthroned it. It's called, I believe, serfdom.

The Soros Doctrine in Obama Foreign Policy

President Obama is rapidly replacing the Bush Doctrine with the Soros Doctrine, implementing the foreign policy tenets of the principal financier of the American left.

When Charlie Gibson peered pedantically down his nose at Sarah Palin last fall, asking "Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?," I could not help but wonder whether anyone in our esteemed mainstream media would have the intelligence or the temerity to ask candidate Barack Obama whether he agreed with the Soros doctrines.

Too late now.

Soros doctrines reign in the Obama White House and we're about to learn firsthand whether they represent the ideology of choice for a safer U.S.A.

Or whether they were just the cockamamie delusions of an aged, amoral currency manipulator put in play by a neophyte politician with a staff-scripted teleprompter glued to each hip.

But first, a little review of the Bush doctrine and its track record.

This is for you, Charlie Gibson.

In a piece titled, "Charlie Gibson's Gaffe," Washington Post writer, Charles Krauthammer offered the most succinct summation of the Bush doctrines (There were four.), stating emphatically that Gibson's smug definition came up quite short of the mark.

Krauthammer (who was himself the first to use the term, "Bush doctrine") delineated four distinct and superceding elements to Bush foreign policy:

#1 (pre-9/11) - unilateral withdrawal from the ABM treaty, the Kyoto protocol and other international initiatives, which were deemed by President Bush harmful to U.S. interests.

#2 - the "with us or against us" speech to Congress nine days after 9/11, which quickly resulted in the 7-point ultimatum given to President Musharraf of Pakistan, demanding his withdrawal of support for the Taliban.

#3 - in the wake of our invasion of Iraq, President Bush gave his justification for preemptive war for defensive purpose.

#4 - enunciated in President Bush's second inaugural address, that the fundamental mission of American foreign policy is to aid the spread of democracy throughout the world.

The bottom line for America is that we know for certain the Bush Doctrines kept us safe for seven whole years, kept our IslamoFascist foes magnetized in Afghanistan and Iraq and kept other enemies balanced on their toes with the full knowledge that any belligerent move would be met with U.S. force.

Say whatever you will, Charlie Gibson, the cowboy kept us safe.

Soros, the Anti-Bush

"I have made rejection of the Bush doctrine the central project of my life."
-- George Soros, Wall Street Journal; March 3, 2004

The relevant question here would seem to be, Why? What was it, specifically, about the Bush Doctrines that so roiled George Soros?

Soros published his own book on the subject in 2003: The Bubble of American Supremacy: The Cost of George W. Bush's War in Iraq. The Soros Doctrine boils down to a short list of simple tenets:

President Bush's reaction to 9/11 was an extreme over-reaction. The Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have been counterproductive in the world scheme of things, causing far more harm than help.
The Global War on Terror was ill-conceived, ill-fought and ought to be dismantled, the sooner the better for international relations.
The desire to spread American democracy to other regions is based on a false set of documents, namely the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Soros' belief that there is no such thing as a universal truth, that all things are relative and all moral systems are essentially equivalent leads him to conclude that our founding documents are fundamentally flawed in that they claim to rest upon "self-evident truths."

These might be called more accurately, anti-tenets, as they merely serve to refute the Bush Doctrines. But any careful observer would be inclined to make special note of Soros' ever-present insistence that American foreign policy be formulated in a way that puts international objectives ahead of U.S. objectives. Soros expects the U.S. to subjugate herself to what he believes will help the whole world, not merely us and our interests.

So, what doctrines does Soros specifically advocate?

The United States should use its position of financial and military might to "lead a cooperative effort to improve the world by engaging in preventive actions of a constructive character."
The United States should increase foreign aid to all who need it. Soros believes that by giving grants, as opposed to loans, to developing countries, we make friends and give people what they need, thereby decreasing the incentives for making war against us.
Terrorists have always been with us, Soros insists, and terrorism requires "police action," not wars based upon "imperialist intentions."
Only an international body (such as the U.N.) can solve the problem of terrorism as it is an inherently international problem.
The Bush Doctrine of holding host nations responsible for their support and protection of terrorist entities shuts down the necessary diplomatic channels, which would otherwise lead to joint solutions.

The bottom line is that George Soros is an internationalist; he always has been. He has even said that the only thing the U.S. does for him is issue his passport, which is itself an obsolete instrument of the even more obsolete nation-state concept.

Soros Doctrines and President Obama

President Obama's Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has begged the Chinese to support our debt, while sloughing off human rights abuses by the communist regime and has praised the environmental efforts of our Mexican neighbor, while making no mention of the flood of Mexican illegal immigrants invading our southern borders. Madame Clinton has finger-wagged our Israeli allies, while securing $900 million in American aid to the beleaguered Palestinians (read Hamas) while there are no demands on them to stop firing rockets into Israel. Madame Clinton has additionally pledged a $200 million scholarship fund for Palestinians.

Buying friends is a staple of Soros foreign policy. Greased palms, he seems to believe, provide a great deal of "cooperation."

Candidate Obama echoed this view in his Berlin citizen-of-the-world address, stating,

"Partnership and cooperation among nations is not a choice; it is the one way, the only way, to protect our common security and advance our common humanity."

Adhering to Soros doctrine again, President Obama has declared that the United States is no longer engaged in a "Global War on Terror." We are now conducting "overseas contingency operations." For seven long years, George Soros vociferously attacked Bush for declaring war on terrorism, calling the Global War on Terror a "false metaphor," which inevitably resulted in catastrophic civilian casualties, in turn creating more terrorists for the future.

In addition, Obama has echoed Soros' objection to Gitmo and has declared that it will be closed within the year. Obama seeks to revert to the failed Clinton policy of treating terrorism as an international policing problem, and plans to rely on the Soros doctrines of cooperation, international law and law enforcement actions that do not use military force except for police functions.

Interestingly, President Obama's intention to deploy 21,000 additional troops to Afghanistan falls into what Soros counts as a police function. The original intention of Operation Enduring Freedom (War in Afghanistan) was to capture Osama bin Laden, destroy al-Qaeda, and remove the Taliban regime which had provided support and safe harbor to al-Qaeda. If bin Laden is ever captured, then presumably the Afghan "contingency operation" will end and President Obama will work out a peace accord with the "moderates" of the Taliban, as Pakistan has done.

When President Obama announced last week his intention to add 4,000 troops to the earlier declared 17,000 additional forces to Afghanistan, he added that he intends to garner Congressional approval for a $15 billion aid package for Pakistan. The $15 billion for Pakistan's leaders will most likely be approved, in spite of our own intelligence evidence, which concludes the Pakistan government is using our money to finance the Taliban in Afghanistan. The Taliban is killing U.S. soldiers, using our own money, funneled through the middleman, Pakistan.

One must surely wonder whether Soros and Obama have ever read the Koran. It certainly appears that they have not.

At this point, a mere 2 months into the Presidency of Barack Obama, it seems painfully clear that we have not only elected a deceitful knave, but one intent on the complete dismantling of our own defenses, with seemingly very little concern for the consequences.

The icing on this poisonous cake would seem to be that we ourselves will pay for our own destruction.

Boiled down to the dry pot, we must conclude that President Obama, his entire Administration, the Democratic Congress and their favorite benefactor, George Soros, have an evolved form of slavery in mind. It's a type of slavery whereby the productive class is held shackled to the political class's outlandish worldview that there isn't a single problem under the sun, which cannot be swiftly solved with our money, produced by the sweat of our collective brow. They consider our wages and the wages of our children and grandchildren to be their own property, to be squandered in whatever manner they see fit.

And I believe this has a name, even though we modern folks have long forgotten not only its name, but the centuries of toil and buckets of blood that went into dismantling the system than enthroned it. It's called, I believe, serfdom.

(Serfdom) is the socio-economic status of unfree peasants under feudalism, and specifically relates to Manorialism. It was a condition of bondage or modified slavery which developed primarily during the High Middle Ages in Europe. Serfdom was the enforced labour of serfs on the fields of landowners, in return for protection and the right to work on their leased fields.

Serfdom involved not only work in fields, but also various other activities, like forestry, mining, transportation (both land and river-based), and crafts. Manors formed the basic unit of society during this period, and the lord and his serfs were bound legally, economically, and socially. Serfs were labourers who were bound to the land; they formed the lowest social class of the feudal society. Serfs were also defined as people in whose labour landowners held property rights. Before the 1861 abolition of serfdom in Russia, a landowner's estate was often measured by the number of "souls" he owned. Feudalism in Europe evolved from agricultural slavery in the late Roman Empire and spread through Europe around the 10th century; it flourished in Europe during the Middle Ages but lasted until the 19th century in some countries. The Black Death broke the established social order and weakened serfdom. For example, serfdom was de facto ended in France by Philip IV, Louis X (1315), and Philip V (1318).[1][2] With the exception of a few isolated cases, serfdom had ceased to exist in France by the 15th century. In Early Modern France, French nobles nevertheless maintained a great number of seigneurial privileges over the free peasants that worked lands under their control. Serfdom was formally abolished in France in 1789.[3]

After the Renaissance, serfdom became increasingly rare in most of Western Europe but grew strong in Central and Eastern Europe, where it had previously been less common (this phenomenon was known as "later serfdom"). In England, the end of serfdom began with Tyler’s Rebellion and was fully ended when Elizabeth I freed the last remaining serfs in 1574.[2] There were native-born Scottish serfs until 1799, when coal miners previously kept in serfdom gained emancipation. However, most Scottish serfs had been freed before this time. In Eastern Europe the institution persisted until the mid-19th century. It persisted in Austria-Hungary till 1848 and was abolished in Russia in 1861.[4] In Finland, Norway and Sweden feudalism was not established, and serfdom did not exist.

According to the census of 1857 the number of private serfs in Russia was 23.1 million.[5] By comparison, the United States had approximately 4 million slaves by 1860,[6] and the British Empire had 776,000 slaves when it abolished slavery in 1834.[7]

Feudalism, according to Joseph R. Strayer, can be applied to the societies of Iran, ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt (Sixth to Twelfth dynasty), Muslim India, China (Zhou Dynasty, and end of Han Dynasty) and Japan during the Shogunate. James Lee and Cameron Campbell describe the Chinese Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) as also maintaining a form of serfdom.[8] According to Pierre Bonnassie, feudalism could also be seen in Spain. Although serfdom is believed to exist in all these regions, it was not uniform throughout them. Tibet is described by Melvyn Goldstein[9][10] to have had serfdom until 1959, but whether or not the Tibetan form of peasant tenancy qualified as serfdom was widespread is contested.[11][12] Bhutan is described by Tashi Wangchuk, a Bhutanese civil servant, as abolishing serfdom officially by 1959, but Wangchuk believes less than or about 10% of poor peasants were in copyhold situations.[13]

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Obama's U.S. regulatory czar nominee wants Internet 'Fairness Doctrine'


U.S. regulatory czar nominee wants Net 'Fairness Doctrine'
Cass Sunstein sees Web as anti-democratic, proposed 24-hour delay on sending e-mail

Posted: April 27, 2009
8:41 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Cass Sunstein

WASHINGTON – Barack Obama's nominee for "regulatory czar" has advocated a "Fairness Doctrine" for the Internet that would require opposing opinions be linked and also has suggested angry e-mails should be prevented from being sent by technology that would require a 24-hour cooling off period.

The revelations about Cass Sunstein, Obama's friend from the University of Chicago Law School and nominee to head the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, come in a new book by Brad O'Leary, "Shut Up, America! The End of Free Speech." OIRA will oversee regulation throughout the U.S. government.

Sunstein also has argued in his prolific literary works that the Internet is anti-democratic because of the way users can filter out information of their own choosing.

"A system of limitless individual choices, with respect to communications, is not necessarily in the interest of citizenship and self-government," he wrote. "Democratic efforts to reduce the resulting problems ought not be rejected in freedom's name."

It's time to put up or shut up, America. Literally. Get the book that shows how to fight the assault on your freedom of speech!

Sunstein first proposed the notion of imposing mandatory "electronic sidewalks" for the Net. These "sidewalks" would display links to opposing viewpoints. Adam Thierer, senior fellow and director of the Center for Digital Media Freedom at the Progress and Freedom Center, has characterized the proposal as "The Fairness Doctrine for the Internet."

"Apparently in Sunstein's world, people have many rights, but one of them, it seems, is not the right to be left alone or seek out the opinions one desires," Thierer wrote.

Later, Sunstein rethought his proposal, explaining that it would be "too difficult to regulate [the Internet] in a way that would respond to those concerns." He also acknowledged that it was "almost certainly unconstitutional."

Sign the petition to block federal government attacks on freedom of speech and freedom of the press!

Perhaps Sunstein's most novel idea regarding the Internet was his proposal, in his book "Nudge," written with Richard Thaler, for a "Civility Check" for e-mails and other online communications.

"The modern world suffers from insufficient civility," they wrote. "Every hour of every day, people send angry e-mails they soon regret, cursing people they barely know (or even worse, their friends and loved ones). A few of us have learned a simple rule: don't send an angry e-mail in the heat of the moment. File it, and wait a day before you send it. (In fact, the next day you may have calmed down so much that you forget even to look at it. So much the better.) But many people either haven't learned the rule or don’t always follow it. Technology could easily help. In fact, we have no doubt that technologically savvy types could design a helpful program by next month."

That's where the "Civility Check" comes in.

"We propose a Civility Check that can accurately tell whether the e-mail you're about to send is angry and caution you, 'warning: this appears to be an uncivil e-mail. do you really and truly want to send it?'" they wrote. "(Software already exists to detect foul language. What we are proposing is more subtle, because it is easy to send a really awful e-mail message that does not contain any four-letter words.) A stronger version, which people could choose or which might be the default, would say, 'warning: this appears to be an uncivil e-mail. this will not be sent unless you ask to resend in 24 hours.' With the stronger version, you might be able to bypass the delay with some work (by inputting, say, your Social Security number and your grandfather’s birth date, or maybe by solving some irritating math problem!)."

Sunstein's nomination to the powerful new position will require Senate approval. He is almost certain to face other questions about his well-documented controversial views:

In a 2007 speech at Harvard he called for banning hunting in the U.S.

In his book "Radicals in Robes," he wrote: "[A]lmost all gun control legislation is constitutionally fine. And if the Court is right, then fundamentalism does not justify the view that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms."

In his 2004 book, "Animal Rights," he wrote: "Animals should be permitted to bring suit, with human beings as their representatives …"

In "Animal Rights: A Very Short Primer," he wrote "[T]here should be extensive regulation of the use of animals in entertainment, in scientific experiments, and in agriculture."
The American Conservative Union is offering an opportunity for Americans to sound off on Sunstein's agenda. The organization has created a website called Stop Sunstein through which readers can submit petition signatures to members of the U.S. Senate.

"As one of America's leading constitutional scholars, Cass Sunstein has distinguished himself in a range of fields, including administrative law and policy, environmental law, and behavioral economics," said Obama at his nomination of his regulatory czar. "He is uniquely qualified to lead my administration's regulatory reform agenda at this crucial stage in our history. Cass is not only a valued adviser, he is a dear friend and I am proud to have him on my team."

O'Leary disagrees.

"It's hard to imagine President Obama nominating a more dangerous candidate for regulatory czar than Cass Sunstein," he says. "Not only is Sunstein an animal-rights radical, but he also seems to have a serious problem with our First Amendment rights. Sunstein has advocated everything from regulating the content of personal e-mail communications, to forcing nonprofit groups to publish information on their websites that is counter to their beliefs and mission. Of course, none of this should be surprising from a man who has said that 'limitless individual choices, with respect to communications, is not necessarily in the interest of citizenship and self-government.' If it were up to Obama and Sunstein, everything we read online – right down to our personal e-mail communications – would have to be inspected and approved by the federal government."

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009



A prior Swine Flu outbreak occurred at the start of the Obama Presidency. The waste of pork in Congress has spread from the national level and is being forced upon the state level by President Obama. Conservatives in Congress have also been affected by Obama’s Swine Flu(i.e. The Stimulus Package). Many state governments are not taking precaution and willing to be tainted by the Swine Flu Stimulus Package. One state, the GREAT STATE Of TEXAS, is considering ceeding from the Union to prevent further infection of the Swine Flu Stimulus Package.
Thousands of Amercians have taken precautions through innoculating themselves with Tea on April 15th, 2009.
The Swine Flu is also known by another name: Socialism.
If you have found yourself tainted by the Obama Administration’s infection of the Swine Flu Stimulus Package, please seek immediate attention via tea parties and remembering to register to vote in the next Senate elections.
Talk radio and internet(mainly conservative radio hosts like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh or websites such as or will keep you up to date on how to prevent the infection of the Swine Flu/Socialism.

Related article: http://www.ridiculopathy

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This tells a lot about the Obama admistration and all his cronies that surround him. How sad for America.
They all need to be waterboarded.

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These so called respresentatives may get by with lying, stealing, and corruption of all kinds here in the USA but hey, they wern't in the USA. Good for Sudan...they are "not" above the law there. WISH THEY WOULD JUST KEEP THEM LOCKED UP ! We do not need them. Let's send all of congress there ! Obama as well. LMAO...!!
April 27, 2009
U.S. lawmakers arrested in Darfur protest at Sudan embassy
Posted: 04:51 PM ET
From CNN Producer Paul Courson

Rep. John Lewis faces a misdemeanor charge of trespassing.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – Five members of Congress were among those arrested Monday outside the Embassy of Sudan for crossing a police line during a demonstration against genocide in Darfur.

"You have to find a way to dramatize an issue," Rep. John Lewis (D-Georgia) told CNN as he was led away in handcuffs.

The other U.S. lawmakers who were arrested during the protest are Reps. Jim McGovern (D-Massachusetts), Donna Edwards (D-Maryland), Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota), and Lynn Woolsey (D-California).

Lewis faces a misdemeanor charge of trespassing, after he refused three warnings from police to stay behind a barricade established toprotect the diplomatic compound located along Washington's Embassy Row.

A champion of the civil rights movement in the 1960s, Lewis said the U.S. cannot afford to wait for Sudan to settle ethnic conflict and massive killings that the State Department has characterized as genocide.

As he was lined up with seven other people to be loaded into a prisoner transport vehicle, Lewis said "this is another step toward helping to free the children of Darfur and put an end to the genocide, to the violence; crimes against humanity."

A CNN reporter asked Lewis whether his arrest would make a difference, and Lewis replied "it is my hope and my prayer that it will." Police then moved him toward a van, and removed his shoelaces and belt as part of standard precautions with prisoner transport.

Activist Rev. David Saperstein and two organizers of the protestrally were also placed in handcuffs. The group was to be processed at a city police precinct and likely released on their promise to appear incourt.

About 50 demonstrators, including those arrested, gathered on a sidewalk outside Sudan's embassy, where police had already set up a yellow-tape barricade.

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updated 8:50 p.m. EDT, Wed April 22, 2009
Fort Detrick is the home of the Army's top biological research facility.

Army: 3 vials of virus samples missing from Maryland facility

Story Highlights
Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis samples missing from Army facility

Virus sickens horses, can be spread to humans through mosquitoes

Investigators say vials may have been in freezer that was destroyed

So far, investigators have found no evidence of criminal activity

From Larry Shaughnessy
CNN Pentagon Producer

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Missing vials of a potentially dangerous virus have prompted an Army investigation into the disappearance from a lab in Maryland.

The Army's Criminal Investigation Command agents have been visiting Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, to investigate the disappearance of the vials. Christopher Grey, spokesman for the command, said this latest investigation has found "no evidence of criminal activity."

The vials contained samples of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis, a virus that sickens horses and can be spread to humans by mosquitoes. In 97 percent of cases, humans with the virus suffer flu-like symptoms, but it can be deadly in about 1 out of 100 cases, according to Caree Vander Linden, a spokeswoman for the Army's Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. There is an effective vaccine for the disease and there hasn't been an outbreak in the United States since 1971.

The vials had been at the research institute's facility at Fort Detrick, home of the Army's top biological research facility, for more than a decade. The three missing vials were among thousands of vials that were under the control of a senior scientist who retired in 2004. When another Fort Detrick scientist recently inventoried the retired scientist's biological samples, he discovered that the three vials of the virus were missing. The original scientist's records about his vials dated back to the days of paper-and-pen inventories.

During the investigation, the retired scientist and another former Fort Detrick researcher cooperated with investigating agents and, according to Vander Linden, they came back to the facility to help look for the vials.

Vander Linden said the investigators know that several years ago an entire freezer full of biological samples broke down and all the samples had to be safely destroyed. But a complete inventory of what was in the freezer was not done before the samples were destroyed. Vander Linden said there's a "strong possibility" the vials were in that freezer and destroyed, but that isn't known for sure.

This investigation comes two months after all research at the research institute facility at Fort Detrick was halted for a complete computer-based inventory of all disease samples at the fort. That inventory is expected to be complete before summer and may help solve the mystery of the three missing vials, officials said.

The Army investigation is in its final stages and is expected to be closed soon.

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THIS IS SO FUNNY. The man can give a speech of any kind without a teleprompter. WORDS JUST WORDS. Someone writes his speech's. He just reads the words. He probably has no clue what he is even taking about. Not a very bright person. A real dumb ass.

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DEMOCRATS WE HAVE YOUR NUMBER~Hope of the Wicked: Master Plan to Rule the World

Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the world
Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the world

Ted Flynn's book, 'Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World,' will open your eyes to the greatest deception in modern history. It explores the convergence on a global basis of multinational corporations, foundations and the political and sociological instruments of a one-world government to bring about a New World Order. The book is 550 pages with 82 photographs and 1,200 footnotes, with a strong historical basis to show that there is a global elite working to end the sovereignty of nations, to place all under the United Nations.

In this well-documented book, readers will learn the following:
* Is there a conspiracy to rule the world?
* What is the plan to bring America into a one-world order?
* Hundred of quotes from world leaders
* The utopian dream of the United Nations
* The long tentacles of the United Nations in your life
* World taxes and a world court for world citizens
* What is the Federal Reserve and who owns it?
* The links of world businesses, foundations and governments
* What are the Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission?
* What are the authority and mission of FEMA?
* What is the role of the New Age movement and environmentalism in a world religion?
* The erosion of rights, freedom and national sovereignty
* The need to create chaos to usher in a new world order
* The subversion of the Constitution by Executive Order
* What is the real agenda of secret societies? Technology's theft of privacy: chips, satellites and tracking
* Is artificial weather modification real?
* Who was the most influential woman of the 20th Century?
* Who are the world players trying to bring change?
* Pulling the plug on the world economy - nearer than you may think
* How will the global elite's plans affect you and your family in the near future?

The New World Order is not coming - it is here with a vengeance!

Paperback. 550 pages. List $21.95

I am not trying to sell any books for anyone but I am just trying to make people understand what is REALLY GOING ON in the WORLD TODAY. IF YOU ARE NOT INFORMED YOU WANT KNOW WHY THINGS ARE HAPPENING.

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True Story Of "The Bilderberg Group" and the NEW WORLD ORDER and their influence over The USA

This is a must read. Wanta really know a lot about what is going on in todays world and what Obama is up to. Read this book.

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

By: Daniel Estulin

As a rhetorical question, can someone please explain to me how it is that progressive liberals such as John Edwards and Hillary Clinton, as well as do-gooder humanitarians with multiple social projects ongoing such as the Rockefellers and every Royal House in Europe, can perennially attend Bilderberg meetings apparently knowing that the final objective of this despicable group of hoodlums is a fascist One World Empire? —Daniel Estulin (P.318)—

Daniel Estulin is a Madrid-based journalist and an investigative reporter who took on the daunting and dangerous task of researching the Bildeberg Group. Equally intriguing as his harrowing tales of being followed and nearly killed on a couple of occasions while working on the book, is the manner in which Estulin connects the dots between the Bilderberg Group, world events, notable politicians and corporate tycoons and the two other secretive monsters of the ruling elite, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC). The project lasted fifteen years and was motivated by Estulin's curiosity about how it is that the mainstream media has never covered in depth the meetings of the Bilderberg Group whose combined wealth exceeds the combined wealth of all U.S. citizens.

What Estulin's book makes clear is that the group, along with the CFR and TC, has become a shadow government whose top priority is to erase the sovereignty of all nation-states and supplant them with global corporate control of their economies under the surveillance of "an electronic global police state."

The author emphasizes that not all members of the group are "bad" people, and he implies that membership is structured somewhat like concentric circles in a target scheme within inner core and various levels of relationship between that core and the outer circles of membership. Almost every famous player in politics and finance in the world is a member of one of the three organizations mentioned above, and their political affiliations range from liberal to conservative, for example, George W. Bush, George Soros, Gerald Ford, George McGovern, Jimmy Carter. Of this private club, Estulin says:

This parallel world remains unseen in the daily struggles of most of humanity, but, believe me, it is there: a cesspool of duplicity and lies and double-speak and innuendo and blackmail and bribery. It is a surreal world of double and triple agents, of changing loyalties, of professional psychotic assassins, brainwashed black ops agents, soldiers of fortune and mercenaries, whose primary sources of income are the dirtiest and most despicable government-run subversive missions-the kind that can never be exposed.

In the final months of 2007 we are witnessing the stupendous success of the Big Three's strategy for planetary economic hegemony as the cacophony of their carefully engineered global economic cataclysm reverberates across America and around the world. It was never about buyers who didn't read the fine print when taking out liar loans. It was always about silver-tongued, ruling elite politicians and central bankers, anointed by the shadow government, who ultimately and skillfully stole and continue to steal governments from people and replace them with transnational corporations.

No one could have said it better than David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, a Bilderberg member and board member of the Council On Foreign Relations in his Memoirs:

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure-one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

If you want to know who really runs the world and the lengths to which they will go to establish their globalist hegemony, you must read Estulin's well-documented The True Story of The Bilderberg Group.

Product Details
Paperback: 360 pages
Publisher: Trine Day (September 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN: 0977795349

Link on where to buy it. I am not trying to sell books. This is just a good read.

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Friday, April 24, 2009


Mr Obama,

Can you explain what convicted real estate mogul Tony Rezko is to you?
Obama - Just a friend

How about Jeremiah Wright?
Obama - Just a mentor

How about George Soras
Obama - Just my Godfather

How about the Detroit Mayor?
Obama - A Real kewl partner who you should trust too

Well how about Iranians and Uk'ians that have sent you over 200 million for your campaign?
Obama - Their Just friends

How about Unrepented Terrorirst Williams Ayers?
Obama - He lives down the street from me

How about Gwen Ifill?
Obama - She just wrote a book about me....that's all

How about Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
Obama - All they did was pay me more than any Senator the my first year and a half into the Senate

My last question Mr Obama, can you take responsibilities for your mistakes in judgement?
Obama - I would but the media has that wrapped up for me....

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SOROS,I would love to see you WATERBOARDED !!! You are a creep and YOU are a contributor to global warming, you fat ass pig. Too bag the germans did not send "you" away to the death camps. You were the only one that would have deserved it. You would not be here now. Your mother should have had you aborted. Sometimes abortion is necessary.

George Soros, You are evil. You are worse than Hitler. You are a COMMUNIST, Socialist pig, a criminal, a crook, a liar and you have done nothing all your life but try to destroy the USA. Why do you HATE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ? WHY ?

Why do you hate Israel ? Why ?

Why do you want to destroy our constitution and our way of life ? Why ?

Who died and and made you King ? You are a sorry lowdown good for nothing dirtbag. A real SCUM bag. Real toliet scum.

May you finally rest in piece when you die and burn in HELL. I hope that want be too long away. Yesterday would not be soon enough.
May God have mercy on your evil hate filled soul when you go. Now figure out a way to hang yourself. Blow your head off, overdose on drugs, whatever it takes. You need to be Gone with the Wind !

No body cares about "YOU". You are just a stupid old man filled with hate. All they want is "your money" so they can ram their Scumbag AGENDAS down peoples throats. When you quit giving them the money then do you really ?..think they give a rats ass about you ?
You are scum.

All those hedge funds you play with everyday are going to be doomed when the laws are changed and people can really see what you do in the stock market. You need to be investigated and if the truth be known you probably are right now. I hope you go to jail, you crook. You are worse than the mob.

I will celebrate the day you die. You have caused a lot of problems for people all over the world. You are the worst of the worst. I TRULY "HATE YOU" and all that associate with you. You are all evil people controlled by the very devil himself.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's waterboarding cure

I loved this.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009


"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power of money should be taken from banks and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs. I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money, are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies."
-Thomas Jefferson, Letter to James Monroe, January 1, 1815

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hey my fellow Conservatives~DON'T STOP BELIEVING!~WE CAN DO IT

My dear fellow conservatives,libertarians,independents or whatever your political view, NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER QUIT FIGHTING ! WE TOGETHER CAN DO WHAT WE NEED TO DO TO GET THIS COUNTRY BACK ON TRACK !!
More tea parties to come, bigger, better that even before. The spending must STOP ! Enough already !

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YOU ARE A TERRORIST IF.....You are a Conservative or in the ARMED SERVICES says Janet Napolitano

Every time this ignorant women opens her mouth her brains fly out. Typical ignorant democrap ! I think she fell off the turnip truck and hit her head really hard.

I Am A Terrorist.
April 21st, 2009 . by Rick
@ Blue Grass Red State

Hi, my name is Rick, and I am a terrorist. I never thought of myself as a terrorist, but my government considers me so. I find this interesting because it goes against what I consider a terrorist to be. I thought of terrorists as those people who believe in their ideology so strongly that they are willing to kill innocent people and even die in the process to bring attention to their cause. But thanks to our new President and his puppet Janet Napolitano (Sec DHS), those were not terrorist acts, those were man-made disasters. But, in the new report (PDF) from the Department of Homeland Security we have a new definition of terrorism, its Rightwing Extremistism (a phrase used 40 times in the 9 page report).

The report delineates exactly what this new terrorism threat to America is. Yes, it largely defines me and I sure that the FBI will be knocking at my door within moments of me posting this.

Persons who favor states rights over Federal authority. I am totally serving a long sentence here. Stupid me, I read the Constitution.

People who lean to a single issue such as abortion or immigration. Here we go! I don’t hold to a single issue, but I disagree with the extermination of life and I also feel that people entering the country should do so legally. Yes, I disagree with the administration on both of these issues so I am likely going to get a double sentence.

Those who see recent (and coming) controls on guns as a threat as an infringement of their rights. Yup, Second Amendment, read it, believe it.

Perceived threat from rise of other countries. When our President goes to Saudi Arabia and bows before their king in an act of total submission, I have to confess that this bothers me. It doesn’t bother me because he is a Muslim, it bothers me because he is the leader of our country and this isn’t done. He certainly didn’t bow before the Queen of England!

Disgruntled Military Veterans. Alas, this is not an area where I qualify, but it is also the area that makes me the maddest. It goes to the total disrespect that our government has for our military.

So there you have it. I am defined in numerous areas of this report as a Rightwing Extremist, a terrorist. When you fly a plane into a building and kill thousands of people, it is a man-made disaster. When you defend the Constitution of the United States you are a rightwing terrorist.

The world has become upside-down.

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Monday, April 20, 2009


I don't speak spanish so I have no idea what this lady is saying, but it appears the two birds of a feather are flocking together.
Chavez and Obama having a Pow Wow.
Guess he was telling him how great it was in his country now that he has taken over almost everything. Most everything now has been seized by Chavez in his country. Oil comoanies, gas comopanies, water companies, banks, railroads, airports, steel factories, and there is just to many thing to name.
Obama is following the lead now. He already has taken control of the banks and the auto companies. I guess our energy companies are next. This country is going downhill fast.

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

How Obama actually delayed pirate rescue ! How Shameful

Now I know why the Richard Phillips kept praising the NAVY SEALS so much when he was breifly interviewed. And...of course the White House was trying to get all the glory last week. I hope this story gets a lot more attention.!!! Obama is a weasel!

SEAL team deployment stalled 36 hours, hampered by limited rules of engagement.

WASHINGTON – While Barack Obama is basking in praise for his "decisive" handling of the Somali pirate attack on a merchant ship in the India Ocean, reliable military sources close to the scene are painting a much different picture of the incident – accusing the president of employing restrictive rules of engagement that actually hampered the rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips and extended the drama at sea for days.

Multiple opportunities to free the captain of the Maersk Alabama from three young pirates were missed, these sources say – all because a Navy SEAL team was not immediately ordered to the scene and then forced to operate under strict, non-lethal rules of engagement.

They say the response duty office at the Pentagon was initially unwilling to grant an order to use lethal force to rescue Phillips. They also report the White House refused to authorize deployment of a Navy SEAL team to the location for 36 hours, despite the recommendation of the on-scene commander.

The White House also turned down two rescue plans offered up by the Seal commander on the scene and the captain of the USS Bainbridge.

The SEAL team operated under rules of engagement that required them to do nothing unless the hostage's life was in "imminent' danger.

In fact, when the USS Bainbridge dispatched a rigid-hull inflatable boat to bring supplies to the Maersk Alabama, it came under fire that could not be returned even though the SEAL team had the pirates in their sights.

Many hours before the fatal shots were fired, taking out the three young pirates, Phillips jumped into the Indian Ocean with the idea of giving the snipers a clear target. However, the SEAL team was still under orders not to shoot.

Hours later, frustrated by the missed opportunities to resolve the standoff, the commander of the Bainbridge and the captain of the Navy SEAL team determined they had operational authority to evaluate the risk to the hostage, and took out the pirates at the first opportunity – finally freeing Phillips.

The G2 Bulletin report was authored by Joseph Farah, founder and editor of WND, and a veteran newsman with extensive military sources developed over the last 30 years.

What a total incompetent moron we have in the White House! He fiddles while the captain's life is in the balance just as Nero did while Rome burned. And then comes out and takes all the credit for his rescue and never said one word while he was a captive by those pirates. God help us if we're attacked while this boob is in charge. I bet in one year we wont recognize America. I still cannot believe, even 5 months after the election, that this disaster was elected to lead this country. That man will never be my president!! God help us!

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