A story of two animals that crossed the border from Lebanon into Israel with IDF soldiers. Bless them both !
The Cat who Crossed the Border

An unusual sight was seen a few days ago, with the exit of Paratrooper Brigade forces from Lebanon: one of the brigade reserve soldiers was carrying, along with all his heavy equipment and weapon, a white kitten. "On the way back to Israeli territory we passed through the village of Kauzer," said the soldier, "and all of a sudden I saw a kitten coming out of one of the houses. After a few seconds I realized it is wounded and that its hearing has been hurt. I picked it up and carried it for six kilometers, until we reached Israeli territory. I decided it deserves a better future. After all, it is not its fault that war broke out." The first thing the cat and its new owner did after having crossed the border into Israeli territory was to share IDF military canned meat. The cat was named Kauzer by its new owner.
Below is another lucky animal, a cute little dog that followed the IDF back across the border. I am sure it wil have a better life as well.

i've been reading your blog and comments you leave on others.
i wish olmert and company had the brains to see things the way you do, and the guts to say it straight, the way you do.
thanks for being such a good friend.
i'd link to you on my site, but it gets visits from little kids and you've got some great, but graphic, photos.
g-d bless you.
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