A Cold Bloodied Barbaric" Murder in Palestine"Gaza
2coolphoto / Layouts, Frazy.com
The end result BELOW. A nice flattened corpse. I bet they were proud. THESE ANIMALS ARE PURE SCUM, PURE SCUM !

A Demonstration In Palestine
There was a demonstration in Palestine today you might not have heard about.
The mainstream media paid attention to anti-US, anti-Israel demonstrations in America this weekend. Groups like ANSWER, CAIR and others, along with their supporters and anti-war activists argue that the West is the problem; that the oppression of groups like Hezbollah and the Palestinians are the root cause of all the trouble in the Middle East.
The very public demonstration in Palestine, to which the mainstream media didn't pay much attention, perhaps not even showing it to you at all, is depicted below.
Palestinian gunmen identifying themselves as members of Islamic Jihad shot a man in a public square in the West Bank town of Jenin on Sunday Aug. 13, 2006. He was identified as Bassem Malah, 22, who worked in an Israeli Arab town. Click pictures or links for full image and captions.
The man was executed in front of hundreds of people. He was accused by the very gunmen who killed him of giving information to Israeli authorities. The information was said to have led to an attack on two other Islamic Jihad members. There were no hearings, no trial. And merely shooting him wasn't enough. One of the gunmen went on to kick the man's lifeless body as the crowd gathered and watched, many of them taking pictures. But the demonstration was very far from over.
One of the gunmen stood proudly over the man he had just murdered. Bassem Malah never had a trial, let alone any formal criminal charge, except that of betraying other armed gunmen of Islamic Jihad.
When they allowed the crowd closer, many of them took out their cell phones. They couldn't wait to take pictures of the dead 22 year old with their cell phones, jockeying for position like vultures over a carcass.
At one point an old woman dressed in white appeared at the scene of the murder. His Mother, perhaps?
No. She was the Mother of another member of Islamic Jihad who had been killed four years ago in a confrontation that had nothing to do with Bassem Malah, who would have been just 18 at the time. She was given the honor of stomping the dead young man's neck and head until the blood poured out onto the ground.
Apparently the Palestinians prefer a well-organized demonstration and one gunman was careful to position the body just so while abusing the corpse, perhaps for more cell phone pictures.
When the demonstration was over there was virtually nothing left of 22 year old Bassem Malah except his battered dead body which had been fully stomped into the ground.
Many naive Americans who are rarely given a clear picture of what goes on in the world of these so-called freedom fighters by the mainstream media allow themselves to be incited by groups like ANSWER, CAIR and others, taking to the streets to pronounce groups like Islamic Jihad noble freedom fighters. Perhaps if they were given an opportunity to watch a demonstration by those terrorists first hand, they wouldn't be so quick to pronounce America and Israel terrorist states. One can hope, anyway.
For extensive reports on the demonstrations in America this weekend, see here at Hot Air and also see The Age of Hooper for plenty more. Also look for more via Michelle Malkin.
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