Shabbat Shalom to all of Israel
Although I do not understand the observances of the Jewish Religion, I was surfing tonight and found this prayer most beautiful. I understand some things but not all. It really does not matter as I have high reguard and upmost respect for the Jewish people. They are a beautiful society with much unity and love.
Shabbat Shalom
May he who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, bless the soldiers of the Israel Defense forces and the security personnel who stand guard over our country and the cities of our God, from the Lebanese border to the Egyptian wilderness and from the Mediterranean Sea to the edges of the desert – or wherever they might be – on land, in the air or at sea.
May God cause our enemies who attack us to suffer defeat at the hands of our troops.
May the Holy One, may He be blessed, shield and protect them from any adversity or anguish, any ordeal or suffering, and send blessing and success to everything they do.
May He bring those who hate us under their sway, and glorify our forces with the crown of salvation and the mantle of victory, so that the verse: ‘The Lord your God marches with you to do battle for you against your enemies and to save you,’ will be fulfilled through them;’ and let us say, Amen~Bless you all. :O)

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