Israel drops leaflet over Beirut~Will they "get" the message?
Lebanon Government 101 ??

Will the Lebanon (puppet) goverment demand that Hezbolloh disarm ?
I doubt it.
Will they continue to turn a blind eye to what they have allowed to go on for 6 years by letting Hezbolloh to continue to won and operate the southern portion of LEBANON?
Probably. But I HOPE NOTE. I hope they will stand up to them and tell them enough is enough. Look what they did to part of their country. Was it worth it Lebanon ? let them start this war ?
Did the Lebanon government just give them that land ?
Sure they did, but they want tell you that..and there is a reason.
Reason being, is that Hezbolloh has built homes and provided Hospitals, Schools, Food, Medicine, Parks, Businesses and on and on for the POOR PEOPLE so they can use this all as a GOOD GUY Image excuse to recruit the children of these Poor that are living in that part of the county and train them to be fighters (murderers) and teach them that they should hate JEWS and Kill them. They teach them hate and evil for their own EVIL CAUSES. They kill their own kind that is not a part of their cause. Imagine that. Killing their own race out. Geeez..where's their prozac. Put down the drugs and slowly back away.
Is that why they were allowed to set up and take over that part of the country ?
Yes so the government want have to pay for thier care.
WHERE DOES THE MONEY COME FROM ? ...From Iran and Syria.
If this groups of scum want to do something for the country of LEBANON why don't they give the money to the Lebanon government and let them use it to take care of the people ? They want ..they want to be in control and hide their EVIL doings, thats why. What a bunch of scum murderers.

Leaflets dropped over Beirut warn retaliation
Two hours before a cease-fire went into effect on Monday morning, the IDF dropped leaflets on central Beirut Monday, warning it will retaliate for any attack launched against it from Lebanon.
Addressed to Lebanese citizens, one leaflet said Hizbullah serves the interests of its Iranian and Syrian patrons and has "brought destruction, displacement and death."
"Will you be able to pay this price again?" it said.
"The Israeli Defense Forces will return and act with the required force against any terrorist act that is launched from Lebanon against the State of Israel," it said.
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