Nancy Pelosi The Socialist Communist Runs her old 70 year old botox mouth again.
70 YEAR OLD SOCIALIST COMMUNIST LIAR Nancy Pelosi calls Tea Parties 'astroturf' From the looks of her the Botox is NOT working. LMAO.

70 YEAR OLD SOCILAIST COMMUNIST LIAR Nancy Pelosi calls Tea Parties 'astroturf'
If Tea Partiers didn't have enough to be angry about, this ought to help. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that the Tea Parties were "astroturf."
Here is what she said on KTVU-SF San Francisco:
"What they want is a continuation of the failed economic policies of President George Bush which got us in the situation we are in now. What we want is a new direction. This [tea party] initiative is funded by the high end we call call it astroturf, it's not really a grassroots movement. It's astroturf by some of the wealthiest people in America to keep the focus on tax cuts for the rich instead of for the great middle class."
Astroturfing is used to describe fake grassroots campaigns - get the full definition here.
This will be music to Republican ears. The GOP has already been mentioning Pelosi in their fundraising emails and now they can use her to capitalize on the Tea Party movement now that the parties are over.
Case in point: The National Republican Congressional Congressional Committee sent that quote out to its press list.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she is on a mission to save the planet. She has consistently refused to allow a vote on drilling for oil because she says she believes it is all a hoax. But maybe Speaker Pelosi has other reasons.
The has recently revealed what that motive might be. The good Speaker owns stock in Clean Energy Fuels Corporation (CEFC). Have you ever heard of T. Boone Pickens? Yes, I’m referring to the Texas oil billionaire who is now promoting his new wind-power business on television. CEFC is T. Boone’s baby. This project will depend on federal subsidies and, don’t forget, high oil prices along with continued government restrictions on drilling for oil in the US.
Wind power may be useful, but it is not as reliable as the commercials paint it to be. This, however, is not my point. Does anyone else see a possible conflict of interest here? If gasoline prices remain high because Congress refuses to make drilling our number one economic priority, Pelosi stands to make substantial profits in the wind-power business. She is also in a position to help push federal subsidies toward CEFC. I wonder how many other national elected officials have invested in this deal along with Al Gore’s carbon credits? According to the
“A search of Pelosi’s official web site found no announcement of the investment in the Pickens operation. A request to the Speaker’s official spokesman yesterday for information about the investment went unanswered. Coincidentally, Pelosi’s investment came the same month as the House passed the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007, which she hailed as making the Congress over which she helps preside “the most open and honest in history.” There are numerous ways Pelosi could provide assistance to . . . Pickens, including helping secure federal tax advantages. Pickens expects at least 15 percent profits on the wind farm and associated initiatives. At . . . $14 per share value, Pelosi appears to own between 7,000 and 17,000 shares.”
By the way, Pelosi and Pickens are already encountering opposition to their little business deal. Pelosi’s friends, the radical environmentalist groups around the country, are blocking both wind-power and solar-power production because they believe the wires carrying the electricity would disturb the beauty of the natural landscape and endanger some wild animals. Who would have thought?
This story has got to get legs. Republicans and Democrats alike would probably like to see Pelosi go. She is giving the Congress their lowest rating in years… lower than BUSH!
If corruption won’t do it, what will? There is nothing more devious than politicians who decide what legislation comes to the floor when they personally benefit from that legislation. It is a CRIME. Ask Duke Cunningham! Of course, he was a Republican.
Demand that Nancy Pelosi step down as Speaker of the House!
We’re FEDUP!
Pingback by Are Pelosi’s “Green Investments” A Conflict Of Interest? American Sentinel October 2, 2008
Ok, so I’m a little late commenting on this article.
While I am not against alternative energies, there is one very critical piece that the liberals (Pelosi, et al) keep overlooking.
Homes do NOT run on solar or wind or thermal or horse-dung burning generators. Rather, homes can run on batteries. All of these “sources” of energy simply charge the batteries.
So what, you ask?
It takes several TONS of batteries to power your house. For 100 million homes across American (and that is a low estimate), it would take 100’s of tons of batteries. Lead batteries.
I thought we already had enough issues with “lead” in our homes, and landfills, and creeks, rivers, ocean fronts, etc.
And, keep in mind, these batteries only last 4-5 years.
So every 4-5 years we will be replacing and recycling 100’s of millions of tons of LEAD batteries all over this country.
Any idea on how much it costs to transport all those heavy batteries??
Nancy Pelosi has to go. She is a waste of taxpayers money. She is a self serving POS. If she goes maybe we could have her takes the rest of the irresponsible democrats with her.SHE WOULD DO WELL IN BOTOX COMMMERCIALS.LMAO....
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are tools of the power brokers that are controlling the direction changes in the United States that are taking place today. If you listened to Obama's speech given to representatives of Central and South American countries yesterday you heard words that mirror socialism. One such statement that comes to my mind is where Obama said that all countries in our hemisphere must work together to solve the problems of all our countries; there can be no leaders, there can be no followers, we must all work together equally.
While all of this is going on those that are really controlling our country, for huge profits, is a group of very powerful bankers that profit from the interests paid on U.S. debts. The Federal Reserve is privately owned. It charges the U.S. government/taxpayer interest for all the money that the U.S. uses to fund its programs and operate the government. This interest is reported to be in the 30 percent range. Taxes paid by U.S. citizens do not go to fund our governments operations, it goes towards paying the interest owed the Federal Reserve and those ten very powerful people from all over the World that control the Fed.
The Federal Reserve has veto power over anything the President or Congress tries to do. It is getting more and more powerful every time recovery funds are dumped into their hands through bailouts to banks and financial institutions. Citizens are getting more and more indebted to them in the process. We are marching in goose-step towards Feudalism.
Our only chance to regain control over the United States is to fire the bankers. Issue debt free currency backed by something of value, return control of the currency to Congress, shut down Wall Street, return banking to the small locally owned banks, and invest in those banks who will in turn pay you good rates of interest for your savings.
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