ADVICE TO DEMOCRAPS...PUT DOWN THE KOOL AID AND SLOWLY BACK AWAY. Have some Gatoraide instead. Wake up and look what is happening to your country.

Some of you people ARE SUFFERING FROM A Kool Aid overload..
Obama was a groomed puppet via the Bilderburg group that met in New York last June. When Hillary and Obama suddenly disappeared and no one could find them, they were attending the Bilderburg meeting. Welcome to the New World Order ! It's slowly coming to the forefront. We will al be a one world government now.
Obama is selling us out.
He is just the puppet for the puppet masters of the World Bank.
In 4 years WE THE PEOPLE will take our country back.
In two years the people in congress will get what is coming to them. TERM LIMITS. If they want pass the rule of TERM LIMITS then WE THE PEOPLE CAN AND WILL. Just Watch !
Our government now is the most corrupt in HISTORY. These people in government do not care about US ! We the people will take this country back if there is anything left of it when Obama and his totally democratic congress get through trashing the economy and trashing our constitution.
He is not responsible for all that is going on today. You can look no further than all your corrupt people in our government. The congress and President have no morals. If they did they would not be doing all this BS that they are doing now.
Yes, some of the people on Wall Street were greedy and did bad things but you don't punish the entire country for their wrong doings.
Look no further than members of congress and Obama himself that profited from donations to their campaigns.Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac, AIG and others contributed substantial amounts of money to Obama,Dodds,Schumer,Frank,and many others campaigns. Is that right ?
You fools can continue to worship Obama like some kind of God if you want but I prefer to stick to my creator. If all these politicians had God in their life it would restore morality to our government. But..Oh I forgot, being a believer in God is not KOOL anymore."How sad is that ?"
May God continue to Bless this Great Country and bring back morality in our Government.
If that one would find a church to attend maybe he could set an example for all Americans since so many worship ship and cling to his every move.
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama lies, Barack Hussein Obama the socialist pig, BARACK OBAMA AND VOTER FRAUD, Barack Obama IS SICK, Barack Obama makes me want to puke
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