I am sickened that we have so much corruption in our government. We need another revolution and soon. This insanity going on needs to stop and stop now.

The KC Tribune isn't happy with any politicians just now. But they elevate Dodd to the top of their list of usual suspects<---(click here) They think the pols that took TARP bank money in 08 should give it back. Dodd received $854,200 from banks in the TARP program. Yeah, there's a guy who should be regulating banks. But the Senior Senator from Connecticut who said he personally turned a four-page draft into 80-plus pages of legislation that was passed, has crossed an ethical line. While he was crafting legislation to rescue his friends, Dodd “received $854,200 from the T.A.R.P. companies in the 2008 election cycle, including money to his presidential campaign” according to a recent Center for Responsive Politics (CRP) report. I'm getting the sense this editor is rather miffed. But you can't argue with his points. But then Obama took in over $4 million from them. And as he seems to be the one driving all the change, I'm thinking they just might not have time enough to do that. In committee, Sen. Dodd, on behalf of the American public, chastises the Federal Reserve Bank, the Treasury Department, heads of Auto Corporations about scandals, executive bonus compensation, private jets, junkets for bailout banks to Vegas. Everyday it seems another financial institution C.E.O., is being dragged before the Senate and House Finance and Banking committees to explain themselves, with Dodd acting indignant. It is political theater at its most twisted and grotesque. President Barack Obama should show leadership and return millions of dollars in campaign contributions received from T.A.R.P. recipients or their employees. Candidate Obama received an estimated $4.3 million in contributions from them during his presidential campaign. But Obama’s campaign wasn’t the only one receiving campaign cash, as Republican candidates John McCain and Mitt Romney made the list as well as top House and Senate Republicans who chair important committees. “Some of the top recipients of contributions from companies receiving TARP money are the same members of Congress who chair committees charged with regulating the financial sector and overseeing the effectiveness of this unprecedented government program. They include Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut, chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs (he received $854,200 from the companies in the 2008 election cycle, including money to his presidential campaign) and Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, chair of the Senate Finance Committee (he received $279,000). blockquote>
Labels: Barack Hussein FRAUD, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama lies, Barack Obama the socialist, CHRIS DODD
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