Barack Obama and his connection to ACORN, the voter fraud specialists

Barack Hussein Obama and his friends. Is this the kind of person you really want to be your President ? I thought this was quite interesting info I found on the net.
Are You Connecting All The Dots?
As I've already said to some, that Obama was in the New Party isn't new. But keep in mind the ACORN connection I pointed out back in May, then connect the dot some seem to be missing.
ACORN and The New Party were somewhat one and the same because TNP relied on ACORN to become established in Chicago.
After a false start in New York, the New Party built modestly successful chapters in several states. Some of these chapters — such as those in Chicago and Little Rock — had their main bases of support in the low-income community organizing group ACORN, along with some support from various labor unions (especially ACORN-allied locals of the Service Employees International Union).
And at least in part, how did the mighty ACORN grow? That would be courtesy of Obama and Ayres via the CAC. In a very real sense, Obama took foundation monies that were supposed to improve education - failed at that, but managed to establish the very bedrock of Leftism which ultimately lifted him to his first elected office. Sweet deal, huh? Too bad it did nothing at all for the children it was supposed to help.
So, to whom did CAC's money go?
CAC translated Mr. Ayers's radicalism into practice. Instead of funding schools directly, it required schools to affiliate with "external partners," which actually got the money. Proposals from groups focused on math/science achievement were turned down. Instead CAC disbursed money through various far-left community organizers, such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (or Acorn).
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, BARACK OBAMA, Obama and Acorn, Obama and voter fraud connections, OBAMA LIES
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