In His Own Words: Barack Obama’s Healthcare Lies
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By Warner Todd Huston Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The most shocking part of this whole healthcare debate is the lies coming from the left — the leading liar being the president himself — that the “public option” or the government plan isn’t meant to destroy insurance companies and eliminate private heatlhcare plans.
Barack Obama himself has repeatedly said over the years that he wants to see a universal healthcare plan replace all private plans, one administered through government and not employers. Since 2004 Obama has been heard saying that he wants to replace all healthcare with a government run system… until, that is, he became president.
Then, all of a sudden he has eschewed his prior rhetoric claiming that he wants a government run system and decided instead to tell the nation that “nobody is saying” that a government take over of healthcare is the goal with Obamacare.
Of course, he is saying this because he knows that his nefarious, destructive plans will not get past the voters unless he pretends that he doesn’t want to destroy our current healthcare system replaced with a single payer, government only option.
So, he lies.
I wish that there were another way to say this. But this simple fact of the matter is that Barack Obama is a straight up liar about what his plans for healthcare are.
Don’t believe me? Then watch him lie and listen to is own words on the issue…
And now the other part of this situation that simply amazes for its audacity. The Old Media simply refuse to call this liar on his own words. We have video and sound of this president making himself a liar. Were this a Republican president, this tape would be played 24/7 on TV and radio both.
But since it is Barack Obama, The One, their Obamessiah, they refuse to air it. If more Americans saw this man lie in his own words, his healthcare machinations would be easily defeated. But the Old Media want so badly to protect Barack Obama that they are willing to cover up his bald-faced lies.
We are not only witnessing the most socialist president in American history, but we are seeing a supplication by the Old Media establishment that beggers the mind.
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama lies, Barack Hussein Obama the socialist pig, BARACK OBAMA IS A LIAR, Barack Obama IS SICK
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