Thank you John Boehner for trying to stop the CAP AND TRADE BILL !

John Boehner gave it his best shot of Friday by going over the addtional 300 pages added to the CAP AND TAX TRADE BILL in the middle of the night that NO ONE read. They not only did not read the additional 300 pages they did not even read the 1200 original pages before voting on it Friday. 8 republican traders voted for it putting the vote over the amount needed to send it to the senate. Let's all pray that it is stopped DOA when it gets tot he senate.
Boehner is right...It is a PILE OF SHIT ! John Boehner is a good man and he needs to commended greatly for trying to stop this disgusting tax bill. HAVE YOU READ THE BILL YOURSELF. If you have not I ask you to go and read it. ALL AMERICANS RICH OR POOR WILL PAY DEARLY FOR THIS TERRIBLE BS BILL. The government in place TODAY wants to totally control our lives. What happened to the Constitution of the United States. Our health and well being in all assepts of life is being decided by 435 House of represetatives and 100 senators. WHAT A CROCK OF BS. These folks are insane. Especially the PRESIDENT who coudl care less about us THE FOLKS. All he cares about is appeasing the people and all the special interest groups that helped get him selected. A terrible self centered arrogant person leading this country is the WRONG direction. WAKE UP FOLKS. WAKE UP ! Get up off your butts and get out their on the streets and let your voice be heard. A march on Washington in HUGE numbers may help. Get it going. Lets do it now. !
Boehner: Climate bill a 'pile of s--t'
Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) had a few choice words about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) landmark climate-change bill after its passage Friday.
When asked why he read portions of the cap-and-trade bill on the floor Friday night, Boehner told The Hill, "Hey, people deserve to know what's in this pile of s--t."
Using his privilege as leader to speak for an unlimited time on the House floor, Boehner spent an hour reading from the 1200-plus page bill that was amended 20 hours before the lower chamber voted 219-212 to approve it.
Eight Republicans voted with Democrats to pass the bill; 44 House Democrats voted against it.
Pelosi's office declined to comment on Boehner's jab. But one Democratic aide quipped, "What do you expect from a guy who thinks global warming is caused by cow manure?"
Even though Sen. Majorty Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) holds the bill's fate in his hands, House Republicans intend to hammer Speaker Pelosi's signature climate-change measure over recess.
And GOP Conference Chairman Rep. Mike Pence (Ind.) said "we have only just begun to fight” as he left the Capitol Friday night.
Pence encouraged GOP rank-and-file lawmakers to hold energy summits in their districts over the Independence Day recess. In the recess packets sent home with members, he even included directions on how to organize energy summits.
The goal of holding an energy forum is to “educate your constituents about the Democrats’ national energy tax legislation and let them know what 'all of the above' solution you support.”
"All of the above” solution is a reference to the Republicans' plan that would increase the use of and exploration for domestic energy supplies.
Further, officials with the House GOP's campaign arm, the National Republican Congressional Committee, confirm that they will run with paid media over recess in districts of conservative Dems who voted for the bill. The official would not reveal details on the ad buys at this time.
One Democrat was upset that his leaders would needlessly force vulnerable Dems to vote for a bill that will come back to haunt them. Mississippi Rep. Gene Taylor (D) voted against the measure that he says will die in the Senate.
"A lot of people walked the plank on a bill that will never become law," Taylor told The Hill after the gavel came down.
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