Are we blind, nuts or just stupid?
Posted: May 02, 2009
There is an Orwellian aspect to the state of the American union today.
In George Orwell's chilling, foreboding account of a future society, in which a Big Brother government controls literally everything, ordinary individuals and families live in a regimented, classless, colorless world, afraid or unable to question, much less dissent.
Currently, since the Obama administration took office, we're living literally in future shock. Wild, huge decisions have been taken so swiftly. With no warning or permission from the people who elected him, the fledgling president has committed the American taxpayer to trillions of dollars of debt, in programs and investments, bailouts and takeovers, and left us stunned and strangely numb, as if we've been drugged.
The sheer enormity and scale of these moves has been so audacious as to seem nightmarish, fictional. A nation built on a solid foundation of fiscal responsibility, personal liberty, unlimited opportunity and representative government, in which the power flows to the head from the people, finds its situation suddenly switched – the power flowing only in reverse from the head to the dumbstruck, powerless people. And most seem unable to comprehend what's happening to them.
It's like what happens when a polished magician casts his spell over a throng. While he charms and distracts with entertaining patter, the audience fails to notice what his hands are doing. And while they look in one direction, he is producing a startling miracle in another, eliciting wonder and appreciation. But that's "magic." When it's your life savings, your job, your hopes and freedoms disappearing, it's neither fun nor entertaining.
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Let's make it simple. Let's bring this unconstitutional nightmare down to a one family scenario, OK?
Tomorrow morning, while you're pouring your Cheerios, a strange Hispanic man comes up through your basement door, with his wife and a couple kids, and he explains they broke the window into your basement – and have moved in. He asks, "What's for breakfast?" And when you ask him angrily what gave him the idea he could do that, he tells you he just wants to share in the American Dream, like you do.
While you're sputtering about that, realizing he's an illegal alien, he tells you he wants your car to take his kids to enroll in the local grade school! And also to drive his wife to a local hospital, because she's soon to give birth to a new citizen. He has no money, but he's perfectly willing to do whatever job you create for him.
While your own family shrinks back in disbelief, you call the police. They tell you the new government has approved the resident status of millions of illegal "immigrants," and that you'd best do what they ask.
Just at that juncture, a man calls from the bank to tell you your account is overdrawn by $30 million, due to huge notes signed for you by President Barack Obama, who claims you gave him power of attorney to do that. "Not to worry," the banker assures you. "You can pay it down in annual increments over the next four years, and if you run short of actual cash, the U.S. Treasury is printing up lots of paper money, and they'll send you piles of that. We'll accept that here at the state-owned bank, along with the title to your house and any other assets you may have."
You call a lawyer, but he's just shut down his practice. He tells you the law he learned in school has been junked, along with the Constitution it was based on. The country is now governed – and soon totally owned – by officials who have merged the United States into a New World Order, aligned with the European Union and its ideas of morality, law and economy. It's about to be announced that Mexico, the U.S. and Canada are now one happy entity called New America.
In short order, you find that your job is gone; the business is shut down. But you and your equally distraught, dazed neighbors are informed that you'll be housed, fed, clothed and cared for by your benevolent government, which now runs everything. The all-powerful NEA has already indoctrinated your kids with the new "world think," and they seem puzzled that you're not happy with these great new developments.
"Dad," they say, "it's all good! There's nothing to worry about now. All we really need is provided by President Obama, and all Americans have exactly the same things. The churches are all closed, and the preachers are going to jail for 'hate speech,' so we have our Sundays free to do what we want. The teachers give all us kids condoms, and if somebody still gets pregnant, we just get an abortion slip from the principal and go to the Obama Family Planning Center next to the school!
"The Muslim teachers tell us that we'll all be living under what they call 'Shariah something,' some other rules, but as long as we do what we're told, we'll all get along fine. So, please, Dad, stop crying. ... The president has thought of everything. It's all good!"
In a few more days, sedated with National Health Care tranquilizers, you start riding your bicycle anywhere you still want to go. Though President Obama promised to develop new alternative energy, no transit known to man can run on wind or solar or industrial rubber bands, and, of course, the Pelosi/Reed Congress nixes nuclear. So the United States swaps with China, Americans riding bicycles while the Chinese drive hybrid automobiles, alternating gasoline (at $10 Worldollars a gallon) with advanced technology batteries.
The "news" media continually broadcasts the president's reports on how well things are going. There is almost total peace worldwide, since all military has been brought under United Nations control, and resistance is a death sentence. There's growing pressure to adopt Islam as the world religion, and our new president appears to think this would be a "unifying force." How practical! A one-world government, religion, economy and military!
Do you get it now? This Orwellian scenario is where we're headed – as that old Bible on your shelf has foretold for 2,000 years. Blow the dust off and read it.
We're all in it. And the last chapters of the last book, Revelation, tell us how it all turns out.
Pat Boone, descendant of the legendary pioneer Daniel Boone, has been a top-selling recording artist, the star of his own hit TV series, a movie star, a Broadway headliner, and a best-selling author in a career that has spanned half a century. During the classic rock & roll era of the 1950s, he sold more records than any artist except Elvis Presley. To learn more about Pat, please visit his website.
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama lies, Barack Hussein Obama the socialist pig, BARACK OBAMA AND VOTER FRAUD, BARACK OBAMA IS A LIAR, Barack Obama IS SICK, Barack Obama makes me want to puke
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