Hey Chris. You are a Despicable human being. YOU REALLY SUX. YOU LOOK LIKE A 'REAL' TEABAGGER ! You make people sick. You make people want to throw up all over you. You are a washed up old coger. The United States will celebrate the day you leave this earth. You are hated ! Now go play in the traffic and get run over by a car. The sooner the better. You scumbag jerkoff. YOU SUX! When you leave this earth I hope you go directly to hell People will celebrate and take your other goons with you! It's people like you that screw up America !

(Washington, DC) Medical authorities have failed to explain why MSNBC’s Chris Matthews’s leg hasn’t stopped tingling since the evening hours of February 13 during an acceptance speech given by Democratic candidate Barack Obama.
Matthews first reported his condition in an on-air exchange with Keith Olberman about an hour after Obama swept the so-called Potomac primaries in Virginia, Maryland and DC.
According to MSNBC transcripts: “I have to tell you, you know, it’s part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama’s speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often.”
NBC anchor Brian Williams later joked with Olberman about Matthews’s comment, but it turns out his condition was no joking matter. In fact, Matthews has undergone a battery of tests at John Hopkins University Medical Center in Maryland in an attempt to diagnose what doctors have termed a continuous spasmodic tingle. The condition seems to accelerate with each Obama win.
Although doctors have no conclusive medical explanation, they do note a slight constriction in Matthews’s femoral artery.
Doctors have ruled out Restless Leg Syndrome, a medical condition affecting more than 12 million Americans, for no other reason than that Matthews states categorically that he does not find the condition unnecessarily uncomfortable.
In fact, Hans Friendly, an intern for Keith Olbermann, has reported seeing Matthews on the set smirking uncontrollably while not apparently doing anything else but wistfully daydreaming. He speculates that it is at these times Matthews most intensely feels the thrill up his leg.
In other related matters, Democratic Party apparatchiks have sent Hillary Clinton a ‘Dear John’ limerick that is currently making its way around the left-wing blogosphere:
My dearest Madame Hillary
I’ve grown tired of your shillary
My newfound drama
Is that dreamboat Obama
Who gives my left leg a thrillary.
Neither Matthews nor Hillary Clinton could be reached for comment.
Chris Matthews Portrays GOP as Anti-Science
Chris Matthews apparently thinks the GOP is just one big bag of crazy.
MSNBC's "Hardball" host challenged Rep. Mike Pence (R-Indiana) on the Republican Party's commitment to addressing climate change during the May 5 broadcast. Matthews claimed to Pence that the GOP is not passionate about environmentalism because, "There are people that really are against science in your party who really do question not just the science behind the climate change but the science behind evolutionary fact, that we were taught - you and I - in our biology books. They don't accept the scientific method. They believe in belief itself."
Matthews prefaced his argument with, "There are people on your side of the argument who believe that all the prehistoric bones we've discovered in this world, all the dinosaur bones and all that stuff was somehow planted there by liberal scientists to make the case against the Bible."
Pence called Matthews' argument "an interesting straw man" and a "caricature."
Matthews then confronted Pence about evolution, "I think you believe in evolution but you're afraid to say so because your conservative constituency might find that offensive." Matthews continued harping on Pence's belief that "God created the heavens and the Earth, the seas and all that is in them" by saying, "you don't believe that, you don't, you don't take a fundamentalist view of, of the seven days of creation do you?"
Later Matthews offered unnamed "polls that show that a huge percentage of the American people don't believe in evolution ... don't believe in climate change" as proof that the GOP is not "passionately committed to science or to fighting global warming or to dealing with the scientific facts we live with."
And what would a "Hardball" broadcast be without the obligatory swipes at well-known conservatives? Matthew told Pence, "The troubled is that your, your Rush-, your Mt. Rushmore now includes Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and these characters that don't share either your intellect or your honesty."
Wednesday's edition of "Hardball" featured another discussion of evolution, this time with former Republican presidential hopeful and representative Tom Tancredo. Matthews repeated his characterization of the Republican party as anti-science:
Let me talk to you about what I think are the extremes on this position. One extreme would be there is no God, it`s all sort of random, we all ended up here, we don`t even know why we`re here. Right? That would be a random totally secular view of everything. I don`t think you or I are at that end.
The other end would be, "It's like it's written down in the Bible, we don't have to figure out science, it's all there." And if you really get into the Bible and you're totally literal about it -- I don't want to knock anybody's belief -- you get to the point of having to deny all the fossils out there because they all pre-dated 4,000 years of written history in the Bible, back to Adam and Eve, through the prophets all the way back. And then you have -- then you get into that crazy idea, Well, there's a bunch of liberals that went around and buried all these bones in the ground to make it look like there was ancient history.
Matthews followed up this argument by saying, "Well, I don't think most people believe that. I think except the fact there were dinosaurs that were around here millions of years ago. It wasn't covered in the Bible, et cetera, et cetera."
So if Matthews doesn't think most people believe the ideas he put forth, why bring it up at all?
Right. Because it makes the GOP look crazy.
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama the socialist pig, BARACK OBAMA IS A LIAR, Barack Obama IS SICK, Barack Obama makes me want to puke, CHRIS MATTHEWS SUX
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