Obama Lied; the Economy Died

Obama Lied; the Economy Died
by Tony Blankley
I am trying to capture the spirit of bipartisanship as practiced by the Democratic Party over the past eight years. Thus, I have chosen as my lead this proposition: Obama lied; the economy died. Obviously, I am borrowing this from the Democratic theme of 2003-08: "Bush lied, people died." There are, of course, two differences between the slogans.
Most importantly, I chose to separate the two clauses with a semicolon rather than a comma because the rule of grammar is that a semicolon (rather than a comma) should be used between closely related independent clauses not conjoined with a coordinating conjunction. In the age of Obama, there is little more important than maintaining the integrity of our language against the onslaught of Orwellian language abuse that is already a babbling brook and soon will be a cataract of verbal deception.
The other difference is that Bush didn't lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He merely was mistaken. Whereas Obama told a whopper when he claimed that he is not for bigger government. As he said last week: "As soon as I took office, I asked this Congress to send me a recovery plan by Presidents Day that would put people back to work and put money in their pockets, not because I believe in bigger government -- I don't."
This he asserted despite the fact that the budget he proposed the next day asks for federal spending as 28 percent of gross domestic product, higher by at least 6 percent than any time since World War II. Moreover, after 10 years, Obama's proposed spending as a percentage of GDP still would be 22.6 percent, nearly 2 percentage points higher than any year during the Bush administration despite the full costs of Sept. 11, the Iraq and Afghan wars and the rebuilding of New Orleans after Katrina.
Consider also this assertion in his not-quite-State of the Union address: "My administration has also begun to go line by line through the federal budget in order to eliminate wasteful and ineffective programs. As you can imagine, this is a process that will take some time. But we're starting with the biggest lines. We have already identified $2 trillion in savings over the next decade."
But lamentably, a few days later, The Washington Post reported: "A senior administration official acknowledged yesterday that the budget does not contain $2 trillion in spending cuts over the next decade. Instead, the figure represents Obama's total efforts at deficit reduction, including tax hikes (of more than $1 trillion) on families making over $250,000 a year. It also includes hundreds of billions of dollars 'saved' by not continuing to spend $170 billion a year in Iraq."
Only a big-government man would think of calling a trillion-dollar tax increase a spending cut or "saving." Technically, of course, it is true. A trillion-dollar tax increase would reduce spending by $1 trillion for those private citizens who were taxed. And from the perspective of the federal government, a trillion dollars taxed is a trillion dollars saved from the greed of the taxpayers who produced the wealth and might well want to spend or invest it in nongovernmental activities.
But the foregoing merely are pettifogging numbers compared with Obama's bigger ideas about energy and health care (regarding health care, more in future columns). Our president shares a fascinating idea about energy with most of what used to be known as the "small is beautiful" crowd. It is a curious phenomenon that one needs a very big government to enforce the beauty of small.
Obama's secretary of energy, Steven Chu, said last year that the price of electricity in America is "anomalously low." You see how much smarter that Nobel Prize winner is than you? You probably thought you already were spending enough on electricity and fuel.
And sure enough, Obama explained last week that in order to make alternative energy sources -- wind, solar, perhaps eventually human muscle power -- economically competitive, he intends to raise the price of carbon-based energy until it is so expensive that even solar power would be such a deal.
This level of destructive irrationality cannot be accomplished in the private sector. It would take a very big government indeed to bring such inanities into being. (Disclosure: Being rational, I give professional advice to carbon-based energy producers.)
If President Obama were to try to misrepresent his positions for the next four years, there would be nothing he could say that would approach the inaccuracy of his claim last week that he is not for big government. It is the essence of the man and his presidency. He doesn't like America the way it has been since its founding, and it would take an abusively big government to realize his dreams of converting America into something quite different. If you don't know that, you don't yet know Obama.
Some comments
What amazes me is that Obama says he is for the poor. Yet, his energy policies will effect the poor more than any other class. The cost of energy and everything that uses energy will rise. How are the poor and the middle class going to afford anything when his Cap and Trade policy is passed? I bet he will blame it on the oil companies that prices will skyrocket.
I think he will give rebates to people below the magic $250,000 to cover their energy costs. He will simply take money from "wealthy' Americans and give it to those he has strapped with higher costs on everything under the sun...he will probably find a way to tax solar energy at the source also.
Obama spoke; the economy broke.
Every time he talks about the budget, or about the economy, or his approach to the financial crisis, the market tanks. As Dick Morris said (I think), at somme point Team Obama will run out of things to blame on Bush. Sure he can say he inherited a bad economy, but he is delaying its natural recovery cycle.
He seems also to imply that he's ignoring the markets, comparing them to opinion polls that cannot dictate policy. It's typical Obama (and typically liberal) to answer any contrary opinion with "I won. I'm the president."
Fine. Then be man enough to take responsibility for the coming disaster.
Never happen
Metrosexuals aren't men.
I am fascinated by how much he, his rhetoric, his arrogance resembles that of Pharoah, including his first move after his investiture was to sign death warrants on millions of preborn and some born babies world wide..just like pharoah ordered the murder of Hebrew baby boys. In the Ten Commandments Pharoah would
utter an edict and say "so let it be written; so let it be done!" Don't dare aske questions,
or it's off with your head. It was Pharoahs rebellion against God that brought each plague upon the people of Egypt after pharoah was given a warning and a chance to repent and let the people go. This modern Pharoah has been warned about the economy that's tanking further every time he opens his mouth..enslaving the people. I wonder how many plagues he will visit upon the American people as he plays god?God doesn't tolerate upstart rivals for very long..O's day of reckoning will come..and hopefully the people will have seen their sin
and repent before that time. He's already
offered up millions of preborn babies to torturous deaths on the altar of self..not a good idea when God is quite clear about how He feels about His least ones. And O knows the scripture about the "least" ones, he spouted it often enough in the campaign. No excuse for killing God's babies..
Time is running out -
We conservatives better stop being so meek about what's going on in America. I am contacting all my state republican officials and telling them to do something about the hitler madman in the whitehouse. This is so serious, that we are actually doomed soon, unless we get adolph barry hussein out of there.
Chu's "Anomalously" Low Opinion of Us
"Obama's secretary of energy, Steven Chu, said last year that the price of electricity in America is "anomalously low."
"anomalous" = abnormal.
Barack Hussein Obama's Energy Secretary, Steven Chu of Berkeley is a NUTJOB QUACK! He also weighed in with his displeasure on the low amounts per gallon Americans are paying for gasoline. This radical ANTI-energy nutjob told the Wall Street Journal in September 2008:
"Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe."
Chu said he favors gradually ramping up gasoline taxes over 15 years to nudge [read: extort] consumers into buying cars that are more fuel efficient and homes that are closer to work.
Chu spoke with the WSJ in September but the newspaper didn't publish the tax comments until last week, shortly after he was identified as Obama's nominee for Energy secretary.
Is this the "change we can believe in" that Obama was talking about.
How does this insanely radical nutjob's proposal not mean a tax increase for the Middle class?
The ONLY people who will suffer are the very poor and middle class Americans His Husseiness claims to care about!
Only the "rich" will be able to afford to pay for or use electricity or gasoline.
Is this a tax break?
...why, yes!
...guaranteed to break one off in your @$$!
Of course (as one of my fellow posters reminded me) you won't be able to even afford the Vaseline to grease the pole rammed in your backside...
Obama & Chu: A Distardly Duo
It should not be a surprise to anyone that Barack Hussein Obama chose fellow Socialist radical Steven Chu to be his Energy secretary.
President-elect Barack Obama has pledged to force electricity prices to “skyrocket” and to “bankrupt” any new coal-fired power plants in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle that surfaced November 2.
Wants Higher Prices
With the planned imposition of strict limits on carbon dioxide emissions, electricity providers would have to purchase prohibitively expensive alternative power from sources such as wind and solar. Obama pledged he would not allow electricity providers to use less-expensive nuclear power or clean coal technology any time in the near future.
As a result, said Obama, “I’m capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, natural gas, you name it—whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers under my plan of a cap-and-trade system. Electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”
"When I was asked earlier about the issue of coal...under my plan of cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket...even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad, because I'm capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, natural gas...you name it...whatever the plants were [note past tense], whatever the industry was, they would have to retro-fit their operations."
From the donkey's [read: @$$'s mouth]:
1. Higher gasoline prices & taxes
2. Skyrocketing electricity rates ["necessarily"]
Change you can believe in?
Aren't we going to be so-o-o much better off now that we have a good president like Barack Hussein Obama?
...I can't wait...
…Can you say…pass the Vaseline?
The Undertaker
Barack Obama is the greatest disaster ever elected to the presidency. We Conservatives, Republicans, and Democrats who have been rudely awakened from "Dreams from Their 'Father,' should unite to defeat this unmitigated destructive force, who I call The Undertaker.
Mark Levin is right: He's out to destroy Wall Street and the billions that ordinary Americans have saved. He doesn't care: he wants everybody to be dependent on the national government.
Hey, folks, wake up. We're on the plantation now!
We must instigate a giant push back right now before he succeeds in melting down the economy and the nation. We must have mass rallies all over the country against this dictator.
Hope is gone and Change stands revealed as our consent to put chains on for the rest of our lives.
We need to vote NO on every Democrat in public life. There is a monster loose in our country and it will destroy our lives if we don't act.
Common Sense
It shouldn't take a rock scientist to see our problems...... Democrats took over Congress and Senate November 2006 when the dow was 14,000 an all time high...... It has been down hill since then...... It is now about 6,500, and falling...... Do you think maybe, those that can invest in our country, has no faith in this administration?..... Our Businesses are either holding back or moving out of the Country...... Can we blame them, after all they are being attacked by increased taxes by this administration so we can supply the people that do not want to work....... Common sense should tell us that all they have to do is increase the cost of their goods to make up for tax increases....... There is an old saying don't bite the hands that feed you, I for one is sick of Washington biting mine....... Wake up America we are being sold out, buy the same people we vote back in office......The change we need is for Our President not to listen to this administration, and make the real changes we need.
dolly Obama isn't listening to anyone
he is but a puppet for the Acorn movement and others. This is a very powerful move to take over America
The common cersertive is right. If you want America to remain America with her freedoms as we have known it. You best quit blogging and get off our fat pampered behinds and join forces and DO something.
Obamam is selling us down the river faster then a drunken salior on shore leave at a strip bar. Wake up True American's put your hands around real work and earn a living . Stop waiting for hand outs while you r busy waiting for someone to feed and cloth you your losing your freedom to have any say in what your life will be like.
The blame lies with US> being lead like blind sheep to the voter offices. the writing has always been on the wall you numb skulls only saw what you thought was a black man... He isn't black any more then he is white HELLO he had a black father and a white mother and raised by his white grandparents DUH!!!!! he is NOT afraicn American But then again neither or the 99% of you who claim that title you were like I was born Right her ein America YOU are American PERIOD! Black white red brown I dont give a rats behind. we need to join forces and beat back the people who want to ruin America as we have known it. If the current adminstration gets their way none of us will have a place like this to speak out openly. Your throwing your freedom away with both hands.
Many fo you did that when you blindly went to the polls like sheep being led to the slaughter you chanted OBAMA OBAMA CHANGE WE WANT CHANGE well how r you likeing the change so far DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama lies, Barack Hussein Obama the socialist pig, Barack makes me want to puke, BARACK OBAMA
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