Ellison: Quran influenced America's founding fathers, WHICH IS NOT TRUE !

Ellison: Quran influenced America's founding fathers
January 5, 2007
Detroit native Keith Ellison, the first Muslim Congressman, told the Free Press Friday that he used the Quran during his oath of office because the Islamic holy book helped influence the founding fathers of America.
Ellison, a Minnesota Democrat, garnered international attention Thursday when he used a Quran once owned by Thomas Jefferson during his ceremonial swearing-in ceremony for the House of Representatives.
The Quran is "definitely an important historical document in our national history and demonstrates that Jefferson was a broad visionary thinker who not only possessed a Quran, but read it," Ellison said in an interview with the Free Press. "It would have been something that contributed to his own thinking."
Ellison was criticized by some commentators for using the Quran during his oath off office. Ellison said he decided to use Jefferson's Quran after receiving a letter from someone who told him about the copy, which is with the Library of Congress. U.S. Rep. Virgil Goode, a Virginia Republican, slammed Ellison for using a Quran.
But Ellison said Friday that Jefferson's Quran "shows that from the earliest times of this republic, the Koran was in the consciousness of people who brought about democracy."
In 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams reported this to Congress about Islam:
"... that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise."
This is the reason Jefferson owned a Qur'an - to learn about America's enemies.
Hitting that Taqiyya pretty early, eh, Ellison?
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:41 pm
Jefferson, as I understand him, modeled the majority of his ideas (including the Declaration) on John Locke's teachings - so why not swear on one of Locke's books? Ellison is attempting a lame excuse to justify his desire to change the way thousands of our leaders have been sworn in to serve our great nation.
However unfortunate, the United States is at war with the followers of the Quran. Obviously not all Muslims are our enemies, but all of our enemies in this war are indeed Muslim. It is irrelevant whether you agree or disagree with the war - recognition of it, however, is essential for America. Allowing the Congressman to swear allegiance to the USA by searing in on the Quran is a slap in the face to the American soldiers and those who died in 9/11. Remember, the contents of that book are what fuel the terrorists and justify their actions to themselves. And now, its teachings are a member of Congress.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 4:56 pm
Yes the is was at war but the first country to recognize America was Morocco. The Ottoman Empire did not found Islam for the previous comment. Islam was founded in 600 A.D. and was influenced by the life of Abraham. The Quran states that Abraham is the first muslim. The Quran forbids muslims (believes) from killing, women, children and elderly people and once the warriors stop fighting (submit) than treat them with kindness no matter what the faith is. We should speak what is factual and not hearsay. A holy book is a holy book no matter if you believe the same way or not. I am muslim and I was in the military active duty army during 9/11. I dont see a division in being muslim and killing suicide bomber that murder innocent people. That is not war, or jihad or being muslim. A killer is a killer and I will support the hanging of any man that planned the attacks on the World Trade Center.
So is America still the land where freedom of religion is part of its Constitution or is that just old hype and America is an religious ultra conservative Christian state that needs to kick all Muslims, Jews, Hindus and every other religion out or better yet do like Germany (Nazi) with the unwanted! Now that is real democracy right?!?!?
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